Monday, 29 June 2020

Recognising trauma as the split mind of negatively filtered feeling awareness

in response to the themes above

Your intuitive recognises trauma as the split mind of negatively filtered feeling awareness. You see that this conditioned consciousness can 'dump' unresolved issues and conflicts onto the body - and onto others as false flags of diversionary displacement. All of which is a conflicted energy control system for a 'surviving' sense of escaping or overcoming core separation trauma - which are the split of a dis-integrity and the attempt to resolve it as a masking persona both to ourselves and seeking reinforcement from others.
In the same way, collective expressions of unwillingness to face conflicts and consequences of guilted fear, generate cover stories to hide or divert responsibility, such as to flag toxicity to contagious pathogens (guilted fear expects to be sought out and exposed), and to reinforce the story as 'official' or 'real' by heavily investing in it as a basis for engaging in mask of virtue that manipulates sympathy and support, and thus deters challenge and criticism. The invested identity - founded in fear of exposure or loss of face - now operates from an inertial fulcrum of automatic off-centred 'self-interest' to protect the split as if the split is the basis for self and survival - which in the frame of the filtering belief, it is.
The automatic development of 'control mentality' as a private self masked in 'virtue' or self and group justifying grievance, operates as power struggle in our world - as distinct from relational communications from which outcomes are uncovered through a willingness to both listen and speak as we are truly moved - which is a shared expression of trusting our being - or indeed 'That which is being us' - as distinct for a possessive sense of self control as an attempt to fit life to our imaged sense of self and world - which indeed sets structure over movement and communication and 'separates, conflicts and manages us to death'.
'Truth will out' - because illusions are temporary - no matter how intensely and ingeniously defended - and so de-construct to reveal what lies beneath. The patterns of this can be woven into identity for 'getting' such as to profit from destruction or undermine structures simply to suck out assets, energy  and 'neutralise threat' to the capacity to consolidate such identity as a narrative dictate set to weaken, undermine and eradicate any identity that does not give the knee in allegiance to guilted fear as power over life.

So I see this as what the human experience facilitates; the generation of a mind of choice under the imperatives of 'survival', that grows to the capacity to re-evaluate the foundation of self and life as 'separate, guilted, or lacking worth, or wholeness of being with, and set against its own shadows or denied experience - that is active as our filtering interpretation of our world. Waking to nightmare or insanity would just be part of the same dream unless from a new point of awareness - that is within the moment at hand and yet not within our self-control bubble of defence.

The movement of being - or being truly moved - knows and feels the qualities of being directly. This is more than a Homecoming - for the restoration of presence is of never truly having left, and thus is the point from which to live - rather than a point for getting to become validated or vindicated relative to a sense of lack that characterised loss of presence in the separation trauma of entering and adapting and acquiring the human experience. (The then reiterates as the script of patterns and themes of our life).
It is the privilege of those who temporarily have more to extend to those who temporarily have less. Those who are heavily triggered by the mask are 'poor in spirit' and do not know their true Inherence in life and being. And in any moment of reactive identity - there go I - in need of your blessing because I deny myself under the mind of lack-driven getting, that knows not what it does.

When I meet others who are in the willingness of releasing the disintegrity of the mask - so as to unselfconsciously align in transparency to being, then I feel a companioning in the heart, or the heart knows it has been met.

Whatever the forms and complexities of our lives and our world, the true centring recognition of resonance is the 'tuning fork' or guidance for being. We are often framed in 'choices' that are already running off-centre and because they are social currency and habits of our own thought, we operate within them. False definitions served a temporary masking purpose that now gets in the way. Curiosity is the innocence of being in movement. And being in true movement is the relational uncovering of what we need in the moment that we need it. Thankyou for inspiring this reflection.

1 comment:

  1. I came across your comment on the Malcolm Kendrick article.

    You have real insight. I have recently started writing about trauma having been on a lifelong journey of integration and healing. As you know it never ends.

    I will read more of your blog and get back to you.


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