Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Lab Generated Virus Models

Amory Devereux
Reply to  me
I just wanted to chime in and correct you about HIV.
While it has never been proven (and never will, because it’s absurd) that HIV causes AIDS, the HIV virus itself has been isolated.
It just happens to be a harmless passenger virus that huge parts of the population have, and it’s never going to make them sick.

I have read that after years of searching for and failing to find and isolate this virus, they did what is now the new way; They reconstituted or spliced fragments of RNA to a model of what the whole virus would have been if they had been able to find it. This also applies to CV19 and I believe, SARS and ebola. In this sense the 'isolated definition' is itself a lab construct of gene splicing - that is then cultured and used for lab experiments. Whether lab versions 'escape' is another issue, but vaccine strains of some viruses, measles and polio for example - are found in the population. ('Do they infect the unvaccinated?' is a question that then comes to my mind)

As for detecting it - you are talking of antibody tests and other surrogate markers of an inferred existence - which can also be present as a result of a wide range of frequent and normal stresses, or other disease conditions.

I see we share is that HIV does NOT in itself mean or lead to the very broad condition of immune deficiency called AIDS. Nor from what I now read is it sexually transmissible. The pandemic threat gets front page news. The eventual retraction or corrections do not.

I expect we both share a desire to serve a clearer understanding of what our immune systems actually are and how they function - instead of a pathology (fear and salvation) driven search for magic bullets, patents and corporately captured revenue streams.

My sense is that viruses and retroviruses are part of our immune function - but as we are seeing, this can be reset in such a way as to attack itself - and suffer its own disproportionate reaction - perhaps as a result of directly injected genetic matters that would not get past our immune defences otherwise to generate auto-immune disease conditions, and unexpected immune reactions to otherwise generally harmless respiratory disease episodes - that may be asociated directly as the body's means for detoxing atmospheric pollutants such as Wuhan soup which is toxic.

Mainstream models like banks are very very resistant to fundamental restructuring. And so the disproven model can be protected as having privileged status when the fallout from openly addressing it is considered worse than the cure. However, the lies, corruptions and cover stories pile up as a 'shadow power' set to protect narrative control at any cost. And this cost is being exacted of us openly now. The 'covid19' is now a lucky opportunity to 'reset' the global system of everything. Shall we applaud or bend the knee? Or is the knee making it harder and harder to breathe?

PS If you want me to dig out what I read on the generating of lab versions from fragments PRESUMED to be of HIV etc, I can dig it up.

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