Monday, 29 June 2020

A Questionable Virus

Knee jerk reaction can do the mindless reaction in any direction.
It is not no virus, so much as no proof of virus as THE cause of The disease specifically assigned as a contagious infection of The virus.
This releases virology from dominating and suppressing all other mechanisms of causality - which include the fear response itself - as well as toxicity, biocides and other exposures, ingestions or injections.
Quite apart from the medical industrial complex that grows upon the framing of sickness in terms of pathogen theory and all the corruptions or social and research fear and funding, there is the science of whether an asserted virus has been truly and uniquely isolated.
Looking into this uncovers all kinds of fudge and workaround in every more arcane specialisations that are essentially opaque or misrepresented.
IE: the team that claimed to discover a novel coronavirus specifically did NOT claim causation.
The methods for 'isolating' viruses changed when they could not be found and proved by Koch's postulates. The sample PRESUMED as an isolate of matter that can contain many things is genetically investigated for fragments that are in effect splice to reconstiture a 'whole' in the lab.
The exceedingly few or even singular electron micrographs of 'the virus' offer no unique distinguishing morpology and no evidence that this particular structure is a cause.
Nor in general is there any clear understanding how or by what mechanism viruses 'cause' all the various symptoms, while at the same time assigning the virus as the active agency when it has no more life than an email - but can none the less be expressed by living cells as code signalling to other cells that replicate the code or not according to contextual parameters. In other words virus is a living cellular response and associated with toxicity and stress of lack of nutrient support for full function. In this sense a virus is part of immune response and not the attacker as such.

However it is pointless to ignore the fact that invested belief in the virus as contagious pathogenic infection of dreaded disease is deep seated and heavily underpinned by our psychic-emotional structures or cultural archetypes and it is these that manipulaters are targeting and effectivly using to hack the minds of others under the mask of ‘authoritative science’ - which is asserted like news headlines to be quietly retracted whil other ‘news’ is used to maintain damage control and initiate new cover stories to runs as the basis for new social, political and econonomic controls.
Welcome to the bio-security


Opinionated dumps are nothing to do with what the opinion is.
You set yourself up by making conditions you cannot keep.
There are all kinds of people that may start our reactive but who may in time recognise it does not serve them and is generally counterproductive. Just asserting 'being right' as if to trump an argument and invalidate others is a symptom of lack of worth.
It can also be provocative and I recommend you learn not to take offence when provoked - or at least not respond until you have identified what belongs to you - or you will counter dump and it is the polarised retorts of no willingness to communicate that 'hijack' a thread with noise over signal.
What you ascribe as 'no virus' opinion is much more nuanced and has a long pedigree. Superstition (fear and search for magical solution) was never banished by science, but substituted for. All 'panacea' operate as psychic magnets for every kind of conflict, denial and unfaced self-evasion. And so become the arena of collusion in denial.


Just as people think money is in the banks, they think scientists have seen viruses and proved that what they see causes a specific disease by contagion.

When a gifted few developed ways to see the living - (Rife, Naessans) - then their equipment was destroyed.

The new ways to 'see' don't require electron microscopes but detection, modelling and splicing of code fragments, bio markers and surrogates such as antibodies. They do NOT require clinical illness excepting as initial clusters that medication and managed perceptions can then run the brand, on mindshare.

Managed 'reality' abandons relational being to upload itself into virtuality that feeds on the very life that it must deny as a contagion of light and awareness by which the bubble is popped.

The consciousness of the lone wolf is of agency as a private agenda at war with life. But cells are symbiotic.

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