Monday, 29 June 2020

Realities that run cover story for feared beliefs

“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.

I'm taking your statement as a starting point. My reflection is not personal to you.

A personal reality is the belief you do not know you believe, having reacted to as if true.
Augmented or masking overlay to our reality are personal and social masking of 'reality adjustment'.
Transparency to truth adds nothing and takes nothing away from what is here - and so truth requires nothing to be itself and is the true state or quality of rest.
Illusions that function as personal and collective substitution, require maintenance and support, and become the image, model or ideology to which life is sacrificed - so as to raise and maintain its idols for what they seem to give. Fear and division seem to give personal control, the worship of control as a private possession locks in the bubbled and masked sense of the need to manipulate reality of self, other and world, hence setting an oppositional or reverse psychology to life as open communication and relationship (truth) and its expression or embodiment (reality).
The nature of a dissociating mind is that it doesn't know that it doesn't know by design, and seems to know what is not true, as an active ignorance by which to see no call to question its 'reality' (and every call to defend it). Fear or 'separation trauma' runs beneath our surface awareness as the overriding control or 'survival' within the persistence of such division. Its beliefs are whatever is to hand as the means to effect the denial of the fear to its projection out and away from 'self' as a sense of private control or defence.
We 'love' to see what we hate... in 'Others' whom we can judge, deny, invalidate and attack.

I sketch this out for reflection - not to persuade or seek agreement or belief.
We can only operate with our current belief or thought system, but in bringing to awareness of conscious noticing, is our capacity to test and refine or replace false or outmoded beliefs.
Reality is never an exclusively physical or tangible component, but always the result of accepted and extended thought, desire and intention. If there is a 'reality' without awareness of existence, it has no existence! But we take our tiny little dalek-like focus of a surface awareness of a discrete and bounded field of attention, and equate awareness of existence within such a mind. In a Universe of Total Instant or synchronous Communication, awareness is more 'like' to what we assign as nothing, or space - which is factually a VAST plasma that makes up about 99% of the physical Universe and self-organises in patternings that are fractally reproduced at all scales - but express differently through different densities and mediums. Our beliefs are largely conditioned by impacts and densities and objects - and so is our model. The idea of closed systems is only part of a greater reality. Balancing inner and outer conditions is the maintaining of any cell, self, or system of self organisation with a relational field.

If you note subconscious patterns of acquired action and association, you can see that you can stop thinking about walking and walking doesn't suddenly stop.
I only respond to invite depth and a willingness to be curious rather than set myself or anyone else in beliefs - or indeed anti-beliefs - that constitute an active but invisible ignorance of the More of who and what we are. No one else is living your life - or can. (Even if you give your power of responsibility and decision to others, or to ideals or beliefs).
Wherever you go - there you are!
Garbage in; garbage out!
Have a good day - if you will, though not all gifts are appreciated as such in their initial opening.
Being with the truth is where a love or felt and recognisable appreciation will arise from the extension of who we are - and its resonant reflection.
The word misery represents a loss of the willingness to give as result of belief and fear of lack.
When the forms of familiar attachments change, we are revealed to our beliefs - perhaps in pain of loss.
Honouring the past allows its blessing to stay with us.
Demonising our past invites a curse of grievance to stamp itself upon all that we endeavour.
'Who controls the present controls the past, - (and thus controls the future'), expands to; who accepts the past, opens to presence as the release of the need for control as unfolding presence to an open future.
Manipulation evolved from fear and division.
There is a better or more truly aligned way of seeing and being than a fear-control system of defence and survival under threat - but only to the willingness to questions our own experience.

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