Saturday, 30 May 2020

The intent and attempt to weaponise biology is undeniable - BUT

The intent and attempt to weaponise biology is undeniable.
But in order to frame this issue more clearly, the use of the infectious myth as cover story for toxic exposure has to be addressed. Otherwise the psyop of the targets own fearful defence reaction is left out, and the agency is assigned to biological function - enhanced or otherwise.

Taking the covid19 stats as a whole, it is reasonable to say that IF this was a bioweapon - period - then it did not go off. (or perhaps only went off 'biologically' as a proof of concept for specific experimental results).  The overall cause of death figures do not greatly differ from other years, and are lower than some 'bad flu seasons'. Its profile for the most part is similar to death by all causes. The deaths due to lockdown do not belong in the assignment of covid19. Nor do many of those who were in very weak health as a result of various other conditions and died as a result of a complex of bodymind failures.

However, the covid19 was NOT simply a medical emergency - and only became one by framing as pandemic, relentless media blitz - that has at no time stopped - though it changes tack.
It is identified in my opinion - as a psyop, and the bio-weapon plays a role in the reinforcement of the psyop - EXCEPTING its front end, which is the mandate or prioritised executive for vaccinations and medical or biotech interventions that are by definition biowar.

The covid19 myth is that it is ONE disease pathogen to which all else is assigned or subsidiary. This is reflected in the denial of service to most any other medical need. One pathogen to rule them all - and built into a new world order as a propensity for 'infection' (colds) that will never be cured and must be managed under biotech surveillance and reinforcement.

There are biological responses to high toxicity involved in the fact.
There are adverse immune responses as a result of recent flu vaccinations - that may well have provided antibodies that interact negatively with the body's natural defences, or injected canine genetic material - including canine coronavirus - directly into the bloodstream of its target population - with cross reactive negative outcome. But in any case, every vaccine is by definition an attack on our immune systems - as are antibiotic and toxic exposures.

Basically, to operate a shadow government or private agenda set over wholeness, the integrity and natural healing response of wholeness has to be denied, demonised and substituted for by systems of manual override. This extends and reflects the mind that makes it -as set apart from life and the lives of others, fearful of loss of possessive controls, that reflect back as controlled possessions and pre-mptive in mapping attack onto anything that moves or changes outside its bubble of control, into which it thinks to bring life into and force it to conform to ideals taken for reality.

Fear is both the problem and the 'solution' as an answer that keeps on 'giving' but its fruits are negatively defining in debt, slavery and loss of consciousness and will, to a systemic paralysis that by definition cannot be moved against but will encapsulate or stricture the movement to death.

The sense of death and destruction as power over life can be taken to seem to be an aggrandisement of self - while in truth being used by one's own denials or hates - unknowing. The nature of denial is to 'see itself' in others so as NOT to own its consequence, and thus a true cause is hidden in symptoms flagged away from self, such that attention in penalty or sacrifice is enacted there. Such is an elitist segregative pattern that operates through the many as the consolidation of negatively defined power, in a few.
It is the normal of a mind set in judgement upon life, world and others. This is the 'operating system' for a world set in narrative or mythic representation of divide and rule.

True divisions are diverse and unique expressions of energy and exchange as a relational field of richness we feel and know as life. Life is fundamentally symbiotic - but not coercively so - and so there are both balance points and imbalancing movements operating together as functions of a higher or greater unity-in-expression. Human archetypes of order and chaos are set in war - that splits the mind as an expression of war, masked in imposing 'order', masking against limitation and loss by subjection - both in self-reinforcing negative or separative intent of a private agenda set in self isolation, masking in social distance and defended by rules of engagement that lockstep an unnatural condition to a new conditioning, by which to align under the god of death, and thus the power to withhold, mitigate or avert fear of pain of loss, onto others, world, and a self that is then willingly sacrificed or denied.

'The Call to live' can be covd over but remains with you - no matter what defences are erected against the heart's knowing, or how insanely they are enacted upon ourself and relations in the attempt to survive fear of pain of loss as a bubble set in grievance, to which the true currency or presence of life is then conformed or denied access.

For the Call to war and death, believes ITSELF to be the call to live and takes priority over all else - which is thus rendered in terms of food or asset, protection or weapon, ally or reinforcement, or enemy and threat to be suppressed, denied, subverted or denied.

Where there is fear there is leverage and funding - regardless that the 'solutions' feed the fear, the fearful will always vote again for the same basic ruse that operated from the outset of a 'separate' or masked sense of self set over denied or unconscious or unexpressed, represented and integrated self.

At what point does the voice that promises to protect from fear, lose allegiance because its 'answers' have become more fearful than what they were supposed to be protecting from?

Yet allegiance is normalised or habituated by complex levels of learned and acquired conditioning, that can only be released in the moment of noticing they are running or about to run. the grace of noticing is the free attention that fear binds under polarised reaction - which SEEMS to be a realm of choices in which to become lost or 'identified' BY reaction - instead of freely aligning as a heart and mind response.

I don't know about 'survival' being actually the result of our seeming control - for the underlying structures of such dependency can be removed in a moment. But I do have a sense of bringing the essence of who we are and what we have lived to SEED. As a consciousness of balance points through which life knows itself lived and shared in freedom of being truly moved - rather than a manual mind-override or denial of the movement of the heart's recognition for the fantasy of control in a prison world.

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