Friday, 29 May 2020

Good Cop, Bad Cop

Invalidation by smear can also use a bad cop to get the majority over to the good cop's point of view.

This can also be part of a poker game that knows the opponent's hand - being the provider of online services in to which nearly all emotional reaction is being fed to trend models of outcomes to choose between according to where the emotional investments are placed.

Identifying the 'person' is making an identity judgement and aligning that instead of receiving and sharing identity from true worth. This is a development of weaving your own mask by associating and presenting the mask of others - who are given authority (or anti-authority) and so will pass off as virtue in one's own navigating of models and outcomes to choose between according to invested emotional identity.

I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being, first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.
Malcolm X

I choose this quote because it breaks the tribal or ideological pride barrier.
One only has to use certain terms or name certain persons and meet a wall of denial or invalidation.
But perhaps this is how we lose language and consciousness to unthinking fear-evasion bubbled up in a new world soap designed to kill the human virus.

'Coming out' of the closet of hidden or masked over presentations that are not our truth, but ran as strategic attempts to survive conflicting and fearful situations, is not to make a new 'identity' presentation. That is just a change of masking - such as the government or establishment perform as part of seeming to change while nothing really is allowed to change, excepting to notch up the tightness of a  masking narrative dictate, by which to generate a charged polarity of leverage on those who are incentivise to comply in selling out for a hollow agenda - that is simply fear of pain and loss, set as assertive denials of others and of communication and of life.

I sense that the wake up that we think we hope for, or seek in our world, is not going to be to the evils of others, as a moral outrage calling for 'Change!', but our own self-betrayals.

I feel we have to live and face our self in such ways as to no longer have anywhere else to mask, run or hide to ourself. The script shall run its course, to its pivotal moment or bottoming out. In similar way as an episode of shock sets off an internal dissociation and fragmentation that runs as a masking defence until, its shock bubble disintegrates to restore a truly Current Communication and relational appreciation.

All systems that replace relational trust as a dance of relational communication between and within us, are only as good as the integrity of those who use or apply them. The core issue in this theme is the replacement of relational specificity with mapped out meanings made into systems of automatic reaction. It isn't that we cant make and use tools or systems, or shortcuts of idea - but that if we become identified in and subjugated to them, we become 'living tools' or slaves to our own mind-manipulations.

'Don't-know mind' is not set in judgemental conclusion', and so is open for the prompt of a resonant recognition. If we choose not to align in our life, we have chosen to deny it for a world that bottoms out in death while alive. From which we may then call on death to save us from!

Our true humanity is not at the personal level but does have a very specific or intimate recognition of self in another and another as ourself. Nothing to do with the masking of private agenda in forms of love or concern, or of protecting or contesting these as if armed and armoured self is the only honesty.

The persona level is the masking over of what is kept behind, and what is kept in the dark, behind is the capacity to be possessed or taken over by fear-driven archetypes that are patterning of reciprocal entanglement rather than 'entities' or self-existing evils set against us or set within us in ways that must never be exposed or we would be utterly rejected. Why would evils run - excepting they are framed as lesser evils relative to an unthinkable  or utterly unacceptable horror or dread?

Good cop-bad cop is a mindset - even without its development as a manipulative system of mind-control.

'Don't-know mind' is not set in judgemental conclusion', and so is open for the prompt of a resonant recognition. If we choose to align in our life, we have chosen to release investment in a world that masks in death while alive. And alight in restored quality of  appreciation for being - that of itself shares or shines to a like purpose in others - if and as we learn to get out of our own way.

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