Saturday, 30 May 2020

Cockup, Conspiracy or... alien agenda?

Cockup, Conspiracy or... alien agenda?

Cockup, Conspiracy or... alien agenda?

People have to live from their current capacity to embrace - all that is.
The polarising in virtue against vice cannot see it in themselves and the polarising in vice as a fundamental honesty against virtue-signalling hypocrisy cannot allow virtue in its own self-definition - excepting a reactionary defiance.

However, the point that I felt to to respond to is shock testing of the system - alluded to in aircraft design technology.
The opportunity to consolidate control over life on Earth - is the seed and the consummation of the mindset in possession and control. To 'be as gods' - translated to power in terms of private agenda set in image and form. In this meanings are made to replace Meaning by devices of separation or attack and division. However - back on point...

Everything is being grown and fed into a control system that various agenda align with as a sense of power and wealth set against fear and pain of loss.
This is also to say an interjecting template to a full and direct consciousness of existence operates blocks and filters of distortion and denial such as to compartmentalise consciousness into fragmenting and polarised pieces under a narrative dictae for puuting Humpty together again.
The nature of the power grab is all or nothing - and this is set up in the minds of many as 'an offer you cant refuse'. It may see itself as emerging victorious as full spectrum dominance, but its undertow of dissonance is by no means eradicated or absent or ceasing to drive it.

The mind of the dreamer is unaware of the complex script that supports their dream. People think banks keep our money in vaults, and that the currency of exchange financially or in officially accepted idea - is external fact rather than common consensual agreement - running systemically behind the masking narrative of a controlled or lockstepped 'construct of reality'.

The intent to shape and define narrative at will - from a top down imposition - and have it be so! Is to 'lord it' over all who live beneath the canopy or are forced into dependency and allegiance to it as The Order made flesh. Here is the inversion and reversal of True Power - which is in all and serves the whole - and for which we have little capacity to recognise, honour and align in love of.

You wonder about, but do not name, an 'alien' will. Taking the core meaning of alien as 'Other', note that the division or conflict of a split mind under great pain of fear calls to an EXTERNAL  power rather than turn within to face its own conflict as a self-transparency, and does so as the survival of a sense of self under threat of ultimate Separation (death or breakdown to insanity). Here is the lockdown, masking and distancing to a physical prison that serves to protect from an intimate or direct psychic threat. It is all being 'shown' to the willingness to see.

The idea of separating from our Self and becoming 'other' or stranger to and alienated from our Self is an idea given power by reaction. The development of consciousness is the unfolding of Idea in the minds of the many and the many in the one - for without the masking off of a physicalised or mortal sense - we are NAKED. However, the introduction of lack or shame into transparency to truth grew to become the basis from which to seek to create as 'gods'. The plural here refers to archetypal trauma of separation experience that assigned Power to things, events and forces that shaped our world (and consciousness of) - and it is these archetypes that re-enact the mythic drama in new clothes - as if to have escaped the patterns that set us in fear driven thinking as our 'normal' - running just beneath the bubble of surface realities that are never allowed to truly align - or else our 'alien agenda' would be exposed.

There are other facets to all reflections in our experience, and one that comes to mind is talking a madman down from a suicidal futility. If he 'sees' betrayal and denial everywhere and in others and life it serves nothing to tell him he is wrong. The art of opening a channel of communication with an alienated civilisation on the cusp of destroying its own consciousness, has to use the terms of the consciousness itself - so as to open a resonant bridge. A 'battle of wills' is always an exclusion zone for any real communication, and forcing outcomes always inherently brings a reaction of like measure. Not in retribution, but as the nature of the Law of Idea or Mind. What you give, sets the measure or your receipt. That the FORMS of exchange are diverse is the nature of life as exchange. If we were monopolar forms giving monopolar gifts there would be no increase of the expansion of consciousness as greater than the sum of its parts. Into such a dead end - is the idea of polarised expressions of dynamic possibilities. None of which are to 'lord it' over' but all of which serve as valid facets to a whole. The release of the charge of denial - allows the Field of a true and present awareness to restore balance as a living system - which is open and yet embraces partially closed systems as patterning through which to know and be known

To find a true resolution one has to expand and include, not lockdown, lockout and exclude - but this runs counter to the mind-training of a compartmentalised mind set in polarise identity reaction. You have to WANT truth - against the grain of a believable and convincing alternative - to uncover your own freedom to yourself. Else it would be simply thrust upon or programmed in - As Satan said of Job being a mere robotic obedience. Love of form can blind us in attempt to possess and control it as our own proprietary domain. reverse that and recognise we bind ourself here by seeking to enslave life - whether in bending or manipulating others to our will, or bio-tech futures Inc ™ .
Self interest does not have to 'conspire', if it is already operating from a hidden root of fear-defined control. But what ELSE could logically proceed from insane premises but insane outcomes that are not recognised as the result of garbage in; garbage out.

It was a novel virus. And operates as a conceit. We invest emotionally by reaction and they redraw their 'science' to plausible legal deniability.
You know there is no consistent or solid science in it - and yet our reaction is to use science to appeal or convince it.

Follow the evidence!
And use science to test the evidence.

Maintaining the appearances of diversion and deceit is part and parcel of profiting by them.
Psyops are not operating from a true foundation, but seek to hide or divert in devices that delay the uncovering of NO foundation. Because this is a collective will, power is given to keep unthinkable or overwhelming fear at bay. 

I don't see others as being knowing complicit in the whole - excepting through their own narrative distortions. Fear operates an invisible hand. Invested allegiance in fear as Protector, takes on the 'religion of sacrifice' that fear demands.

Human as incentivised lab-rat is being played out as systemic control.
These ideas replace by extending the guilted mess of individual freedom.

The contraction to regain control and maintain possession works a death wish or regression to Unconsciousness, as 
What is called for is a qualitative shift of priority - not a quantitative blood letting by ruse of trojan ploy. Compression has to draw on true priorities by which to release the baggage. But much of our 'Economy' is baggage - or parasitic burden - thriving on conflicts and interest.

We meet 'Simon Says', it is a dictate - that has acquired vertical control of the institutional bases for social organisation. It is not the Noble Lie, but the necessary, craven and debased lie - that must be fronted our by crisis actors pretending top represent our interests. Yet if that is power, then it glories in its own projected 'hindsight' to deny the humanity of the sacrificed as a weakness in the face of a moral duty to undertake a necessary evil etc and etc.

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