I feel moved to dive deeper than narrative shenanigans.
We know that nothing here is at it seems so where shall we give our energy and attention - and by what virtue?
Actual or relational is masked by narrative or mythic.
We are relational presence in a narrative framing.
This can be presented as spirits having a physical existence.
The maintaining of the physical FOCUS within a realm of infinite potentials has been developed through the activation of the fear-survival response, such as to become significantly locked down and masked in the survival-defence of a dissociated mind - that locksteps to align with reinforcement for its bubble - as a limiting and limited realm of control - socially isolating from direct intimacy of relational expression to operate as a mind set apart from and over its face of control.
The pretext of virus-fear and infectious danger is a targeted leverage by a protection racket that operates globally to conform national governments and social and corporate institutions as it reveals itself to be the invocation and structural expression that runs upon fear as the demand to hide and be hidden.
The mask of control is set over the contagion of a hidden or denied mind.
Relational being is nested within itself - that is to say there is no 'alien' so much as diversity of interrelated expression. There seems to be 'alien', other and strange or unknown to the mind that has identified in the image and form of the known - which is both self and world.
The 'cell' of a self-world organism is a creative balancing of its inner/outer aspects, for as we pattern or are patterning to be, so shall we meet 'what is' as different perspectives.
I get the image of working clay on a potter's wheel as a very simple model of balancing forces that can go awry - or a music that can lose and regain its timing, structure and harmonic resonance. the interaction of chaos and order is not a war, but an inner fulcrum or balance point in a movement not of things - but of focus.
Yet the narrative of war is the active denial of self in 'other' that IS the expansion of 'self-world' as un unfolding creation of life to Infinite Potentials - ie The More of Who and What You Are. And in a sense now we have double lives or a split of mind, such as to inhabit a narrative masking 'reality' overlaid and set in lockstep against an Intimacy - that has to be kept out - lest we lose the basis of WAR as the means to divide from the Infinite Potential while seeming to corner a controlled market of possession and control.
The operating system of the narrative matrix is reactive and polarised or binary - as the 'war' of accepted and denied identity. This structures our reality and CAN serve as a vehicle or instrument of Expression - as the quality of being moved and knowing ourself in the relational experience of the movement.
But only when the structure or system or image and forms are serving and responsive to the inner fulcrum or balance point of self-awareness within 'all that Is'.
Otherwise the narrative dictates as stricture of dissonance with relational experience - to deny life in the name of some idealised 'order' that has NO self-aware fulcrum or beholding or embrace of life in it at all!
Yet has all the power we give it in allegiance, compliance and lockstepping conformity, as a learned and acquired HABIT of identification in the forms of life as locked down and officially defined 'meanings' that no longer serve the movement of an unfolding Meaning that is life - beyond words, because the truly felt is no reactive mentalism, but an intimacy of presence.
So when we see a cynical and grotesque parody of life masking as authority, do we give it power by indulging emotional reactivity, whether suppressed and normalised or expressed and conflicted with? These binary options are the sign of a framing in polarised identity that divides to rule out a unified clarity of recognition. Narrative investments not only cost us our humanity, but deny the recognition and extension of response of recognition of fellow being.
Without relational being - is no being at all.
Self isolation - if possible - would be non-existence. But you are, and you are with and within 'all that Is'.
Relational expression is not defined and limited by the body - but we have invested so heavily here that we may have weakened or lost the capacity of the mind to focus. If you rest in desire as wholeness of being, you live your desire. But the world of WAR is conflicted and conflicting purposes and wants that rob us of fulfilment while promising without delivering - yet still keeping the mind set in such futility as if THIS time it will be different, or 'after getting through THIS difficulty, it will be different'.
Our power is not IN the world of made meaning set in WAR, but is given to our world and relations as the presence that we just and simply are. Holding to what is truly yours against 'temptation' to throw it away under whatever kind of coercion or deceit is not really a war against evil, but a persistent siding with an integrity that is everything to you, because if YOU undermine YOUR integrity - then no one and nothing can join with you in truth but will be used to confirm your self-assigned status.
And so it is that those who are out of their Right mind in WAR set against revisiting their own hates, fears, shames and self-betrayals - cannot see their own predicament except as at the hand of a projected justification for denial, defence, masking and blind accusation of their own 'sins' in others.
That we are created in freedom is not our bodily birth. But the capacity of choice is at root the capacity to accept of deny - and live the consequence. What we accept true of us as our self and world is not contingent upon past learnings or future expectations, unless we abdicate conscious responsibility to blind structural habit-responses, running as our 'mind' in our name.
None of this tells you what to do. But invites listening within for the noticing of what reactive engagement 'without' masks over or hides. How to respond to any situation is a unique opportunity for being yourself - but who we are habituated to think we are has often already reacted and we are always cast in a frame of re-enacted past.
REAL meaning is not an endless rabbit hole - but we are free to explore and experience wherever we find resonance and relevance to who we uniquely are.
If one recognises a pretext as a pretext, don't persist in assigning it reality by trying to argue with it or understand or figure out how to change it. Leave the decoy as a decoy and free attention for what resonates meaning in the heart. And of course with any habitual pattern of response, be simply willing to reset a new and aligned choice in place of a response you know is not representative of who you now know yourself to be. If you don't hold true with yourself as worthy of being, how can you extend that to your relational experience of others and world? Trust and self-honesty are the result of transparency within, not compliance and conformity to being ruled from without.
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