Thursday 28 May 2020

Truth in the heart is one as the foundation of a true word or world

The truth of the 'mind in the world' is many truths. A world of conflicting definitions, agreements and behaviours - most of which runs invisible as unconscious habits of presumption.

Truth in the heart is one as the foundation of a true word or indeed true world.
This can be termed as felt conscience of aligning in principles of love and life - but when the good is claimed against or derived from judged evils by which it signals identity in virtue, it no longer represents the heart, but masks the evil in it opposes by pointing the finger of accusation - and penalty - away.
This pattern is being shown us in the infection or germ theory being played out.

Psychopathy is is a dissociative mind. You can set out all kinds of range and degree if you want, but our collective psychopathy is like unto a fungus that runs beneath the ground while showing only in specific individuals. I don't use the term as pejorative invalidation as a 'scientific' replacement for evil.
Good and evil are judgements of selection that rejects. The mind of judgement is the wish to see 'my truth' and have it be real. When Jesus was called a 'good man' he would have none of it because he knew the temptation or framing of Living Truth in the self or world of the mind of Man was the lie and the father of it.

The whole trick of mind capture works on the basis of unsettling our peace or flow or wholeness of being to threat under which 'You Must Act Now! - Or Else!'  Mind-capture is the thinking head - with its emotional reactive results that runs as if it is our self.
In this sense to 'do nothing' is to do nothing from the dissociated mind until the movement of the heart of a true discernment reveals who you and where we are in the situation as it relates to who we are.
But once reacting from a sense of lack or fear, we give a tiny part of our wholeness power over our larger reality, and operate under the belief we are and must remain in control.
I am not arguing with what you say but looking for a way to retrieve an alignment in the heart, from an invested identity in heartlessness given power.

If 'everyone was bought of with trinkets' - does that include me? ...and now?
Do I seek understandings of my world in terms that except or exempt me?
I'm the one living the fruits of my life (as you yours), and seek understanding I can appreciate and share in. How can I ever arrive in sharing a world with anyone if I am exempting myself from it? If I meet others who 'agree with me' we can make a bubble reality that joins in shared hates, so as to put the psychopathic infection outside and a realm of permission to play inside.

Here again I say, such bubble reality is being fleshed out as a thing to see and experience. Not just as evil psychopaths with all the power society gives them, but as a pattern of psychopathy that can be recognised as active within our own.

If a pattern of self-justifying hate runs in my name but I do nothing to change or challenge it because it suits me, pays my bills or maintains my social inclusion, then it is part of a mask of safety and belonging to a society set in justifying in hate - rather than aligning in transparency of conscious to principle that others may hate or exclude me for witnessing to - because it makes them aware of the tightness of their own mask.

Hidden hate works shadow power. No matter how it is packaged, toxic debts corrode the connection to the heart and render hollow. Holes instead of wholes. Hollowed instead of haloed. Look at the very young, how bright is their countenance! For what 'god' are we sacrificing our spirit life to?

"Do as I say, not as I do!"

This operates the split and disconnection of actually communicated relation and a narrative of identity in control. That the narrative is managed is the idea OF control set against fear of love and life. This is the virus or contagion that conflict must be generated to mask out. Fear reinforces the bubble, but letting love in, expands and opens to a wider shared perspective.

Are you in the narrative or in the relational current of exchange and communication?
This is a matter of free awareness, intention and attention.
Evils multiply under cover of virtue signalling set as 'War on Evil' or 'Bubble against Evil'.
The 'trinkets' always include a sense of identity. Identity politics works the provision and nurturing of identity trinkets. Even as I write some algorithm could be profiling my behaviours to systemised ID-entitiy as part of an emerging systems control that may well represent the dream of control over a hated world (for not being what I wanted it to be). The wielding of systems by the rigging of them such as debt-based money operating a speculative illusion, is itself a bubble into which we are all drawn and which is popped under pretext of suppressing and getting rid of and reengineering the virus - which to the system-controllers is the life and world outside their bubble.

One more bubble of communication comes up here and that is resonant frequency. If there is a key to a greater communication under 'lockdown and bubblegum reality syndrome' it is the fact of resonance as communication - rather than the narrative overlay of competing 'truths' seeking power. Tuning to our true resonance is aligning in the stillness of the heart. When we seek in the world, if we are also listening in the heart we discern from many sources that which resonates with who we are currently accepting to be. I expect the pattern will reinforce itself until we 'get the message' to our self, rather than seek the messages to change others.

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