Saturday 30 May 2020

Denial of Reality

Reality has a subjective element - and at heart this is free will.
No one can be forced to accept what they are not ready or willing to accept.

What then, when events unfold that split what seemed one world into many?
There is a mass even not dissimilar to a trauma in which we - or others temporarily lose our mind - or rather - are taken over by a survival instinct from 'back' in the reptilian fight flight (or freeze) mind, that operates from a direct and immediate sense of threat to be separated from or mitigated by any means and at all costs.

On - which is a mixed bag of articles and comment - was a t-shirt slogan:
"Crisis doesn't change people, it reveals them" ~ Eric Walters.

We talk of 'End times' (at times) in the sense of the drama unwinding to catastrophic destruction - but less in terms of apocalypse as a Great Revealing. We all live as if we walked the Earth - until a deeper psychic disturbance pulls the covers off - and we all have different patterns of fear, set in strategy, as our survival - before any consciousness of choice within the world and mind that have developed from or upon our core sense of being alive in our own right.

Fears have a front and a back end - in that unconscious or denied fears will be projected to our world.
And yet in a way that mitigates and masks them - so as to mostly avoid or defend against their representations. If there is 'One World' it would be where our willingness to share opens embracing perspectives - but for a lockdown mind there is no embracing perspective - but a lock-out of any other view as threat to life and thereby enemy to be denied - regardless the cost. 

So I see Revelation as a Time of Choice - for an 'emergent-see' is the nature of being brought conscious as to our current and active priority - even if it has run as a default beneath the surface presentation.
This can involve a psychotic adjustment period, if the denials have never been addressed. To witness our own shutting down is a madness of compulsion that has yet to be brought into light. But here it is.

Coming into birth, to self differentiation and adaptation to a world of separation trauma - implicit in every abandonment, rejection, denial, attack and betrayal - is the burying of the heart to where it cannot be hurt again - while masking in strategic compensations and substitutions.

If we are in a Time of Choosing to Live - rather than the winding up of the mask of choosing not to die - then we are meeting contractive compressions that trigger or bring back ancient conflicts amidst surface realities that are suddenly broken or threatened. How do we respond to fear?

Those who have already reenacted an underlying identity-threat are not available to full relationship - because they are dissociating to 'survive'. But that does not mean they are entirely absent - it just means everything is being subsumed and filtered through primary threat. And so what is needed is a true sense of connection, which does not have to attack or support their current perceptions - to extend and share  a willingness for love - in terms of sharing being in some way and at some level that is consensual or free of demand or coercion.

This may seem a tall order if we are also triggered to a sense of abandonment, rejection or betrayal - but in the dance of relationships - whoever is in the moment of a capacity to hold and extend a quality of worth - operates a channel for presence to align a synchronicity of communication - that no matter how seemingly small is a shift in both or all concerned.

When I am identifying in pain of struggle, and likely to attack those who reach out for me - if any should come near - I actually WANT to be reached, healed or undone but cannot find the way - and am compelled to a negatively self-reinforcing spiral of mental and emotional pain - until either the pattern fades or disintegrates for lack of support, or I am found in a moment of connection - from which a freedom to release myself and others is natural and obvious.

I am suggesting we do not know what is going on when deeper imperatives operate - perhaps in ways we are ashamed of and hide from and wish to forget. But a sense of self-betrayal is part of it - and if not addressed at least on some level, will poison the heart and set in cynical disregard of relationship - characterised by quickness to put down, or smear others in hateful ways - not least because that is our current relation to our self. As we see ourself, we see others. Compassion for our darkness, is not feeding a hidden agenda unknowingly, but being with what is real here as a willingness to uncover a world we can love, appreciate and share in.

Competing realities cannot bring that about - regardless the revealing of lack of substance in another's view. There is nothing sentimental in the love that I feel to be within all that is. Substitutions and compensations for loss of presence to artifice, is in the mask set over ancient hatreds. But true sentiment is the quality of felt experience and any 'reality' that divorces from the qualities of its Expression is partial - even if it can be measured and corroborated.

If we are to die to our illusions, give us a bridge of transition by which to let in what we can integrate.
Is this a true desire? Then it is prayer in the heart - which never was a supplication to an 'other' but an attunement to an unadulterated truth.

Denial served the very basis or our capacity to split and externalise Our Mind - capitalised because it isn't IN any thing apart and is the desire for shared experience - also understood as recognition, appreciation and gratitude. 

I have come not from a political background but from a 'spirituality' that acknowledges denial - rather than operates it. Another name is 'masking'. There is more than face value in the covering and distancing under fear of contagion. Our own Psyche is revealing.

Placeholders such as 'science' operate as if realities we have already reacted to as self-evident. It is easier to 'shoot the messenger' (blank another) than question our own narrative when a war (threat) is on.

Don't forget to breathe! Or better, remember to breathe the feeling of being.

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