Monday 5 August 2019

Intuitive release of the gesture of faithlessness to Self and Life.

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logic extends whatever premise is accepted.
Sadism is taking pleasure in giving pain - yes?
But logical imperatives are simply 'getting the job done' by whatever serves the means.

The wish to inflict pain on the paingivers (indifferent or otherwise) is a sadistic resonance.
My sense of cause and effect is much more active through resonant association than the presumption of polarised opposition or 'divide and rule.

I am not an apologist for outrageous behaviour that calls for being checked and held to account - but I am willing to accept that everyone acts in accordance with self interest AS THEY DEFINE AND ACCEPT IT in the moment of their act. The mind or narrative of self-justification comes after.

Hypnotist subjects can be given 'reactions' to stimuli that are not their natural or biological condition, and not only experience and embody the effects that include physical reaction, but on questioning have a complete 'back story' as for why they did so.

Our narrative self-justification also has a collective expression. Polarising opinions effect identity reinforcement by getting a sense of relative moral integrity from the evil that is being identified (against) as invitation to join in hate in the name of love.

Cynicism is self and other destructive - and so I prefer to identify false thinking as an insane premise that logically extends insane outcomes. Garbage in; garbage out, rather than be baited into hate and taking pleasure in it. The moment of such pleasure is fleeting but its shell remains. This is the basis of addictive repetitive conditioning.

While sadistic perversions arise from trying to get a hit in an ever deadened and hollowed out sense of life, the idea of bottoming out remains the pivot of a shift from self-illusion to a true self recognition. To be "even as a servant in my Father's House" instead of an utterly wretched and unquenchable hatred.

Narrative control is 'mind-control' in which the heart is denied by image and symbol of a wishful identity given power and protection. This is all BACKWARDS and operates no less logically for being set in reversal of Life.

I don't write to pick on you but because I would rather have your company. Joining in baited hate is succumbing to despair. Dig deeper for truth that we don't manufacture, marketise or weaponise. Truth is recognisably whole - even if we cant abide its light for long but that the mind seems to interject. If that is true - no one is exempt or excepted from truth but for the set of mind that rejects an honest awareness by choosing something 'else'.

I notice a deep entanglement in lies given power to which many are perhaps waking to - if not yet waking from. Not least because our first reaction to loss of trust in a sense of betrayal is an investment in hate - as direct expression of hurt or grievance. A mind in grievance may WANT to play out the reversal of their victimhood on others who fit their profile. Not just in wanting the other to 'know what it feels like' - but to glorify an exalted sense of self aggrandisement or self vindication. The 'right' to play god over the unworthy. If you cannot sniff the insanity in that picture, it may be that there are conditions under which you would want to enact it?
If all such debts are to be collected, then all hope of shared happiness is deferred indefinitely.

(Abandon hope all ye who enter here). 'Release and be released!' serves true self interest - and yet a false will or mind and world bar the way with terror. There is a Choice here - but to see it one has to step outside the false framing of 'divide and rule out love's freedom to be itself'. Of course this is exactly the opposite direction to all our mind-training to date and so is assentially an act of faith - or perhaps better, an intuitive release of the gesture of faithlessness to Self and Life.

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