Sunday 4 August 2019

if you want to find the secrets of the Universe

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“if you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy frequency and vibration” while displaying an intuitive recognition of the existence of the ionosphere, a premonition of plasma as the fourth state of matter and what today has been dubbed ‘free’ energy.

Resonance is the key to communication as synchronicity. This applies no less to what we call consciousness as it does to bio-signalling systems. Abraham Liboff has uncovered effects of unbelievably tiny EM currents/fields that are nothing to do with conventional ideas of  EM effects on the body.

The ionosphere is a part of the Solar/Earth Capacitance. Electric Universe is not allowed mainstream and yet a perusal of picture of the day articles shows that innumerable gremlins or fudges and bafflement from unexpected (empirical) findings all make sense within the Electric paradigm. But make no cents for the corporate and institutional INVESTMENT in  an essentially Victorian 'Model' masked in mathematical obfuscations that establish computer modelling to replace empirical science and conveniently maintain vast funding or revenue capture  in 'solving' or protecting and propagating pseudo problems as a diversion from an honest account.

Access to effectively infinite energy is also a matter of resonant consciousness. Some of Tesla's discoveries are extremely dangerous in the mindset of fear as division or 'psychopathy'. 

Plasma makes up around 99% of the physical Universe. there is no vacuum of 'empty space' so much as relative terms of a simplistic model. 

The nature of an electro-magnetic Universe is truly a SIGNIFICANCE from which all else changes - relative the the thinking that proceeded from an Internment of Things or 'mind as A Thing in and of itself. But the nature of that IDEA about our existence of 'self' is that of the weaponisation and marketisation of everything or 'possession and control' aka power struggle or fear in division that effectively rules OUT truth to a life lived as and under WAR (AKA survival).

My sense is that without awakened responsibility, we generate the crises (pain and conflict) that then forces a re-appraisal of what we thought to be true about our SELVES and therefore extended to our conception and perception as RESPONSE to awareness OF Existence - in place of resonant recognition WITHIN awareness OF Existence.

Prison hierarchies become a protection or defence of a state of imprisonment or limitation set OVER others as a fantasy of power or aggrandisement of the self IMAGE.

Releasing the prison mind is akin to Plato's Cave or in modern terms the 'Matrix' of a manufactured 'reality-experience' or overlay as a diversionary justification for a state of subjection.

The replication of the Internment of Things or indeed of remaking Life in our own image is all IMAGED FORMS assigned private meanings running as a systemic substitution for love's meaning which is given and received as one. The power of One is Creation - but in human terms its first recognition is the undoing of a split mind or fragmented perception set in conflict.

AC - as brought in by Tesla is only found in manmade circuits. The nature of energetic information of frequency domains  in physics and biology is of 'self-organising relational fields or systems'.

Free energy is really a state of charge potential that can be accessed and utilised - such as a waterfall or for the tiny spider, the voltage gradient of Earth's atmosphere. 
The word 'free' is much misused. Combustibles may be freed of their energy by ignition but have to be accessed and are not free of danger in their effects or effluents.

However energy cartels operate a monopolistic choke on access and availability of energy so as to generate dependency and disempowerment - just as do financial cartels.
Generating dependency and disempowerment is thus seen by such interests as a source of power for private agenda set over and cost of public good and indeed of wholeness - including their own.
This is a form of addiction. Our first addiction is always to the thinking that passes as 'our own'. Internalised limitations operate invisibly as the framework in which we think. True science questions beliefs that are passing off as a self-evident or seemingly consensus REALITY. It is thus a threat to what passes off as ORDER but which is revealed eventually as a thought disorder.

The story of Tesla is not as simple as a genius being shortchanged or sidelined. It is always easy to sell Good v evil narratives to those who want a seemingly simple world. The truth of what is unfolding is much richer. No one can or will see what they are not yet the matching vibration OF. The developed ability to tune OUT from truth (of integral and relational presence), is like a blocking signal.

Twain - who hung out with Tesla at times - said it is easier to deceive a man than to show him he is deceived. Invested identities operate the 'system' of mind-manipulation. It takes one to know one.

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