Monday 5 August 2019

Powerless to change what we have cast out of mind

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To the 'ego' of imposed order, anything that supports it is 'true' and anything perceived as threat is perceived as an attack on true and therefore false. This puts love and hate in the same category by association. Love perceived as heretical and therefore false or treacherous and hate perceived as powerful and malicious and demonic.
The inhibition and suppression or denial of love by fear is the development of a consciousness that protects fear against love or in generic terms, protects the conflict against resolution - but does so under a narrative persona of love's empowerment or  self-protection set against terrors and evils.
Until we recognise this in ourself we persist in seeing it in Other and in World AS IF we protect ourself from the feared and the hateful - but at cost of  being powerless to change what we have in effect literally 'cast' out of our own mind.

Speaking in tongues only has true meaning for me in the ability to discern and understand and relate through different modes of expression. The ability to read the heart of another or of a situation is a discernment denied the strategist of a private agenda of possession and control - which inevitably projects its own evil or loveless intention into the minds of others and then acts as if it is really there by withdrawal of right, denial of light and attack or sacrifice upon the body. When we do this to ourselves it results in sickness, and when projected away, in war... and depletion and sickness.

Listening for truth is also listening to the prompts to abide in or look where fear says NOT to - but from a willingness to be shown. The Internet - as the mind - can be an entanglement of deceit if we are not clear in our desire and aligned in purpose. Disinfo and other devices of deceit all hack into internalised or unconscious and invisible conditioning UNTIL of course we see we have been deceived and uncover that in ourself which willingly or blindly took the bait. In this way the deceiver provides an education in recognising and releasing 'back-doors' by which we are 'hackable'. 

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me". (Did 'Dubya' mangle that saying on air so as to fool us into laughing at the 'fool' - and is this not a qualification for picking presidential candidates as crisis actors?).

The mind is already partitioned and split into levels of access. Already a capture under narrative identity or control. Deceit running our own mind so as to NOT KNOW WHAT WE DO, but rather suffer compulsion and subjection at the fault or hand of others, of conditions, and of a past made in anger.

The replication and substitution of life by systems of manual management is the 'ego' of imposed order that results from the belief you are alone, apart and must DO or repair and restore or atone for what once was simply in the nature of being.

Systemic thinking substitutes for living relational being such that humans live in their MODEL of reality AS IF it is reality itself. This is no different than Narcissus entranced and captive to his own image, blind or deaf to the Calls of his lover.

The calls for true witness seem to violate the image of a fantasy given life and power. I often use the following quote:
“... the true object of propaganda is neither to convince nor even to persuade, but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought immediately reveals itself as a jarring dissonance.” ~ Alan Bullock
But it is no less applicable to our personal mind or narrative continuity in terms of learning the '(human) world of love-hate as a strategic adaptation that then teaches it.

Linear continuity or 'space-time' is associated with object persistence.
But continuity of being is more of an upwelling or effulgence of being that we feel and recognise as relational being - and as a flow that is both timely and timeless. That the mind may cover over our awareness of being is a cover story that we can live out as a 'separation trauma' or look at as a willingness to align mind in service rather than let it run off in its own spin and hold the heart hostage to a sense of denial seeking light of acceptance.

The internet may be turned to a replication of the mind of possession and control - marketising and weaponising an imposture of order, or it may serve a purpose of reintegration, awakening and healing because that is what you choose to align in - regardless the current agenda or intention of others.

To wake in being is to align in innate or implicate order - that knows by what it gives. Propagating thought in ignorance of love begets an arrogance set against its own unrecognised reflected denial.
How to break the spell rather than fight against the chains of its setting?

The genie is being put back into the bottle - at least for official 'reality. But will the means of doing so fail to work as always in the past? Denial is not a true creation or extension of the Creative - EXCEPT when used solely to deny anything that would undermine, attack or corrupt a living love - which is not can can not be encapsulated, codified or imaged in form and 'imposed' or legislated.

Objective reality needs to expand to a discernment of love. We are recognisable by and in love as unique expressions of an indivisible 'spirit' or purpose of manifest embodiment. Forms can be masked in and used to hide from. There is no objective without a subject, but there is a formless and yet tangible quality of discernment that we experience as intuitive whether we are aware of such in our lives or running as if we are 'in possession and control' of reality. This sense of independent self depends on invisible support. The withdrawal of support is the inability of the old 'model' to fit or operate or function. Increasing intensity does not re-create the old density. Resonance is communication, resistance is an exercise in futility until we are willing to listen instead of telling reality (self/other/world) what to be.

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