Thursday, 2 May 2019

Losing Face - Brought to a Choice

The attempt to work within the 'system' under some hope of change is the price of becoming 'embedded journalism' that operates the proscribed 'standard of care', according to top-down global edicts by a hidden few who 'settle science' to impose 'consensus'.

A proper accounting for the 'system' is too disturbing to the consciousness that is identified and adapted within it as a power of protection - and yet it is also true that help is extended and received as a core nature of being even under the framing and subversion of  'systemic control'.
The replacement of a living Mind by a tool makes a slave of life - but also the illusion of a power over life.

Power over life makes life in its own image by rejecting and attack or denial of all that does not support its fantasy of control as the maintaining of separation from real relationship, communication and thus from Life in true functional endeavour and expression. It runs as a protection racket by deceit and coercion such as to undermine functional wholeness for some form of privileged survival in return for a compliance and allegiance to the system that has been called and shown to operate a 'Medical Mafia'. But as such is only a facet of a mind - or use of mind that has become a broad spectrum subjection, in terms of framing life - you, I and our world, in false and life-denying definitions for prediction and control OVER, rather than functional alignment to the Call and Nature of Life.

The intention of the Internet is in its makers, funders and global roll out by and for the purpose of possession and control - because such is the purpose running the mind of systemic dictate or rulebound perception and response. The shift from attracting investment of identity in freedom to proprietary capture of corporatised identities is now moving to the Internment of Things - in which all movement of energy and informational transaction is to be monitored and adjusted - but not to a discovered laws of science so much as the weaponisation and marketisation (possession and control) of manipulative narrative control.

So seeking to 'survive' or maintain privileged access or rights as ANH - is missing the wave for the particle.

One can also see all of this in terms of frequency vibration. The signal communicates to a resonant receptivity or 'mind-set'. The frequency of fear and attempt to control  from an imagined separateness from life is a dissonant blocking or jamming noise to the reaching of Life unto Its Own - but takes forms that substitute for and subvert the Living to symbolic representations, taken out of context and given false association.

Insofar as we are beings of Choice - recognising the choice we are in fact making, or persisting in without knowing we make it, is where all our conflict arises, because what we accept as our self or true of us and our world, is then given power of protection against threat perceived in its framing.
If you do not uncover a truly natural foundation from which and through which to recognise and share in the Living, it is as a direct result of active but often unmindful choice - or 'habit'.

The nature of our world at this time is making it harder to run the old habit as belief, conviction and allegiance - and so it is being revealed or re-offerred us to choose anew - or choose not to give unto fear what is due to love of life - even though fear's dissonance blocks, confuses and deceives the mind that gives attention there for power of protection.

Giving attention in Life rather than to models and images and representative currencies of life is Life through us - and to us as a relational extension and recognition. 

Losing Face is humiliating  but also freeing from the attempt to live the mask. Humility is a clear clean place without affectations of any kind. The habit of the 'world' is strong while it is co-created as a world of 'forgetting'. Choosing to join in re-Membering Life is releasing the surface-tensions of futility of control from the 'outside in', to a Movement of recognition whose nature is radiance or shared.

The only 'warning' is to become vigilant against deceit so as to hear and align in the Call to joy - regardless the conditions of a mind in conflict. Natural health is natural function of unselfconscious awareness in movement of being.

Disease process includes the bringing up of stored or unresolved conflicts and toxicities to a current awareness. Denials seek a light of acceptance for release when seen in light of willingness for peace of wholeness.

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