Chris Hedges: The collapse is coming, get ready
my response:
The idea that human intent can shape and control events and outcomes is no longer credible - whether the collective demos, the collective of corporate cartel or the tyranny of individuals who capture or usurp the collective will.
Part of this is that we have created systems that now effectively run us - and so have established frameworks of thought that run narrative identity considered 'too big to fail' or more accurately, a failure too big to own or allow.
And so the art of the possible is reduced to narrative control over a wasteland of compulsive subjection to a bankruptcy mitigated by redefining as the new normal, along with thinking that fits the human to systems of utility of increasing purposeless in a world where everything is backwards.
The presumption that medicare for all is crusade against pharma is naive in terms of corporate pharma usurping the medical paradigm and regulators to set up what is effectively a medical mafia under which medical treatment as the 3rd leading cause of death (possibly higher because heart disease and cancer may both have pharmaceutical factors), hardly raises a question.
The capture and manipulation of human thinking is the post truth society. It operates by targeting guilt, fear and shame with false hopes - and operates to deny thinking that is not sharing such a predicate, under the accusation of its own intent.
The reversal is revealed in such blatant hypocrisy, that appeals to a sense of victimhood as the justification for power, and frames its assertions to defend such a sense of victimhood, threat or lack against any real change.
The collapse occurred long ago - in terms of the loss of connection, communication and relation to a false sense of self and world. The war on symptoms is the war on the inevitable, because the consequence is a true feedback or result to the underlying beliefs and definitions. No matter how we employ ingenious thinking, toxic debt is a false contract of negative consequence while being packaged as or secretly held to be a positive asset. This applies not only in financial frameworks, but in the biblical sense of debts of unforgivenesses persisted in as if the basis for a self-will associated with personal vindication, salvation or vengeance at the expense of the whole.
The second coming is not a future event so much as a decision awaiting acceptance. As long as power is invested in external symbols of life and authority, the natural and true authority of our being is denied, subverted and usurped to operate destructively under masking and masked agenda. The recognition and release of false thinking for that of the movement of the true as a wholeness of being, relation, communication, is not fixing Humpty or dealing with the 'dead' concept, but embodying a presence that is both received and given in the living of life from being - instead of the denial of life under 'narrative control'. Using some Christian terms here is not partisan to any social belief systems that have become associated with or sought authority from an externalising or conceptualising identity. The territory of our being is formless and nameless to the attempt to grasp, define and control. But what we truly possess and are and align in purpose holds the qualities of being through all that we do.
So the most fundamental error in identity generates the development of consciousness we identify in and are subject to. The manipulative intent of political and corporate power-seeking illuminates the 'mind' of both the hacker and the hacked. To be hacked or phished for reaction by which false identity is triggered, is a call for awareness and vigilance for integrity of being. But only where we have woken enough to recognize the nature of the deceit, for its surface is to induce a fear of (intra or inter personal) communication while asserting programming of a past 'protection' against terror. It is the protection racket that is deconstructing of its capacity to mask itself in fair or justified forms.
?Yet we for the most part fear our fear and seek to hide it by various forms of tacit agreement- such as to indicate we for the most part demand unconsciousness and give power to anything that provides to our 'need'. Fear can collapse and contract the consciousness to 'thinking' within a clenched sense of compulsion in defence against feeling or expansion. But faced and felt fear moves through us while we abide in relationship, purpose and faith in the qualities of life, such that 'thinking' is not invoked to set up an exclusion zone, a protector or indeed filtering denial and distortion of life. Much of our 'thinking' is shat out or rendered nothing by life moving directly through us - and if we 'look back' in the defence of such identity we feel attacked and totally threatened by life - as seen through filters of fear and denial.
?It is not necessary to understand what I write to awaken the intuition of being from amidst the insanity of false thinking. But in writing, I extend a witness that may find resonance and recognition regardless of cultural identity. Living from being is not using the present to get toward becoming it in some other moment. You might notice that the carrot and the stick operate to keep you moving to the will of another - or perhaps your own self-guilting judgements.
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