Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Fake news and fake exposures

My comments into the theme and to various commentators:

HOW it (fake news agenda) is effected is secondary to THAT all aligns to the purpose being held, in this case collectively.
Obfuscation is part of “knowing not what we do” or indeed what we are.
Diversionary tactic keeps attention in conflicted displacement.
False flagging assigns responsibility away from self in order to bolster a weak of failing or threatened self-sense.
Persona provides narrative by which to cloak strategic acts under plausible deniability.
Persona works the emotional reaction.
Fake selves, a fake world make.
At cost of true.
The purpose of fear-protective self-specialness runs the world of guilt and punishment, or sacrifice.
So yes, true witness, genuine dialog or enquiry is avoided, because all ‘parties’ unite in seeking to remain in darkness.

The belief that reality can not just be influenced but manufactured by the PR/mindcontrol/social engineering crowd is running apace. 'Steal an identity' and your proxies don't need to know the nature of their own capture no matter who is called 'king'.

The control of narrative masking identity is the organising principle over the conflicts of the 'self-identified'.
...All the king’s horses and all the king’s men, couldn’t put Humpty together again.
But in the intent is power drawn from lack in fear and pain of loss, as the 'protector' against feared chaos. Whether Humpty Dumpty was a false flag, or a misidentification of panic is a matter for revision, rather than persistent re-enacting reaction.

A psyche or identity and culture built on grievance runs as (self-justified) hatred of life. While the pact with a corruption of power may start off in fantasy of self-vindication, but soon descends into madness.
The propagation of grievance (hate) operates a divisive tyranny under narrative seeking reinforcement, that finds offence in not finding compliance - and so is reinforced by perceived threat to its identity.

But we are truly identified in the extension of worth to another, and to our world. Fake substitution operates false currency as 'normal' that then becomes the basis for the demonisation of the natural. In this case it isn't butter or sunshine but communication and indeed relationship itself that is associated with evils.

The use (invocation) of evils (terror symbols) to rule out wholeness of mind and make dumb under lack of power for true thought) is very old magic.
Tyranny of terrorism operates a split off mind that thinks (interprets) only for its own survival under threat and of course has no intention of ever losing its grievance, its enemies, or its sense of offence on which its rage feeds.
When we cannot get what we (think we) want by force, we attempt manipulative ploy, appeal to sympathy and leverage of discerned guilts and fears in others.
Of course we could just ask - but that would mean bringing what we want into the light of a shared awareness. The love of hate, is also the hating to love. Extending worth for love is the extension of having as a result of willingness to receive. Not a manipulative ploy at all.

Yes - everything is being employed or made up  to condition your thinking (not just you ;-)

And the self-special presume to enact their fantasies on the living regardless of any law in the book or the heart. Because their wish is their command.

Fantasy fulfilment is part of the 'privilege' by which to also ensnare and enslave the influential.

When Satan was 'let loose' on Job, we are given the story of Job hanging in through loss and adversity with an integrity of being, regardless the temptations of the (mind in the) world.
But from those who have not, more shall be taken away - even the little that they have.
Integrity of being is not moral self-superiority that would stone in others what it most hates in itself.

Love of form at expense of true is worshipping (giving worth to) fantasy at expense of true, that then operates a ritualised robotic society. However, for some, waking up to recognize this error, is a nightmare in which they perceive themselves trapped. And further entangle in lies by attempts to escape, evade or cover over.

Off the edge of the map are monsters. We may think these reside in a few depraved people, breaking the law, but they might be revealed in our thinking in a manner and a degree to which we are not fitted to meet. The compartmented mind is a defence against communication.
The excommunication of 'sins and evils' is the denial of communication as if to kill them in ourself.
But as with all considerations on the nature of power, who decides and who effects the decision? A process of true communication? Or a coercive imposition upon communication?

Do we make some sins 'special' while blind to other forms of the same error?
I'm not proposing how anyone should think or act. I only live the life that is given me to live. I cant live the fate of another or make their choices for them. But a blind eye to the callous abuse of others is complicit in false witness (fake news). Insofar as I become aware in myself, I withdraw my allegiance and support from its 'mindset' by focusing in something true or truly worthy of acceptance, joining with and sharing in. It doesn't need the word 'God' - but it does need to embody a sense of communication and connection that holds the power to abide through the difficult or indeed the insane. I don't mean communication as in the writing I undertake, but as the qualities of being that are yet with us - should we calm the mind enough to notice and give welcome to.

It is known that 'money' is a confidence trick. Why would 'power' be any different?
The belief in it is its currency. perhaps there is an adulterated mixture of true and false, but the nature of the false is to protect itself at expense of true.
So the currency of belief in security or protection is leading the blind to ever more desprate needs for 'power' over the inevitable. Aka 'insanity'.

In the context of the medical paradigm, I recently met a case where a whole faculty in all its departments we willing for change from the old paradigm, but that the underlying structure of the institution and its rules was effectively blocking any real change.

Rules can be in the books or in the mind that thinks by them, and while they appeal as security and protection in their moment, they often become something else by the purpose they then serve against needed change (life), and this is quite apart from assault on society through the vector of contractual law (IE 'Trade deals'), where a top down corporate canopy effectively blocks light and nutrient to all beneath. This is much less entertaining than political personality clashes - which may be more of a 'reality tv circus' than any of them being allowed to decide any significant policy outcomes.

The systems of economics, power and perception management operate on rules that are inhuman because they demand the sacrifice of humanity to dead rules.

Brexit: Even the term is a media construct. I did not see any real debate leading up to this, It was stage managed, and I do not trust it to be what it seems. How much this is consciously planned and how much it unfolds from negative self interest that include hedged bets on all outcomes, I am not privy to. But the corporate cartel of power has moved all the goalposts and none of the old identities but play in their theme park or wont play at all.

Humanity is being erased, attacked, mutated, pharmed, and re-engineered to serve corporate purpose - and of course the corporation wont be allowed to have power once they have deconstructed cultural identities and institutions. First usurp the law, then the money follows, then power protects its investment, and outsources pain, debt and loss in maximising 'private profit' at cost of wholeness.

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