Monday, 22 April 2013

Coercive intent does not promote health!

Posted on a page at the Telegraph regarding the plans to make trainees have to pass a year as a health care assistant, looking after patients’ basic needs, rather than giving medical treatment.
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One does not improve the quality of care by adding more layers of onerousness but by recognizing the already onerous impositions upon the situation - and releasing the onerous element.

Kindness is not 'added' by training but lost to fearful conditions and perceptions. By cultivating conditions of so called accountability (blame), we cripple ourselves in every way.

To engineer human beings is an attempt to force them to be as human thinking  would have them be, and such thinking as has become machine-like and indeed quite lacking in humanity.

Real relationships are the key to everything and this must begin or be founded upon a real relationship within ourself. While people seek to suffer a lie as if it were true and tacitly join in such mentality, they have no voice, offer no witness and sacrifice their essential kindness to a tyranny of imposed dictates - whose thinking is so conditioned into our mind that we do not see the false from the true and are easily kept in line with 'disincentives'.

Yet such a society becomes increasingly unable to operate in more of a wholeness, but only the part for which it is fitted, trained and paid. The fragmentation of our shared being into specialized machine parts is a violence upon us when it is motivated or held in place by fear.

Real relationship is the most subversive activity to the machine-mind and yet seeks not to overthrow or hurt, but to extend and grow trust and true communication - despite having to live within an empire in which 'Caesar' demands his dues.

Love is not a manipulation or trading of special favour - but the very heart and nature of existence - and this CAN be uncovered in any situation as either the truth of what is going on - or the essential aspect that is blocked, or denied and thus called for.

Love in action is a discernment arising from an actual connection of actually relating or listening or truly seeing, and is supported by training.

The desire to help and serve others is a calling in our hearts that may lead us to choose to be a nurse or a teacher or an anything that can serve a genuine need. There is no place for a 'Calling' in current thinking and sadly, when new thought 'discovers' it, it will be yet more 'good ideas' applied ignorantly.

Everything in our thinking is tending to divorce ourselves from our love and substitute it with a manual control. This is the world we create together, and it can only be a self-seeking that does not even truly fulfil the self.

Receive the reminder of your true worth by a willingness to see it in others in place of the judgements that otherwise see a number or a client or a patient as something to process, which is to say, don't see them at all.

As we give so do we receive. The world we live in is reflected moment by moment, according to what thoughts we accept and therefore act out from. But addicted to our thinking, we are not willing to look honestly at what seems to give us control over life.

There is some serious accounting to be made - and money is the least of it - though wealth scarcity will be seen to be inherent in the value system to which we have subscribed.

Thanks for the opportunity to share here.

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