Wednesday, 8 January 2025

The Weaver in the Web that he Made?

 The Weaver in the Web that he Made?


I allow synchronicity to prompt questioning of the themes 'in play'.
The principle of which I see here of which is a web of deception.
Indeed a 'self and world' of deception - which can also be seen as masking defenses that necessarily run as masked agenda seeking gain of fictions under false claims of function.
Human conflicts have inner and outer facets, where the presentation or behavior can operate as a masking diversion, ruse or camouflage, and engaging or responding to such behaviors at face value will then reinforce the 'issue' as being framed in the arena of the 'diversionary' or scapegoating 'solution'.

Warring narratives of staked identity seek to distribute blame and thus penalty or sacrifice.
That someone else pay (the greater cost) is the dictum of a 'self-survival' framed by fear in division. Existential survival invokes ingenuity for 'creative evasion' at a level of the mind rarely allowed consciousness as terror shapes the 'consciousness' that then aligns or seeks and adapts a self and world to 'escape and avoid it'.

But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here.
~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

But there's a paradox here, because the self-honesty to being 'mad' is itself a light of awareness by which we are now only partially so, and with a new perspective or framing of consciousness by which to discern a self-honesty from a 'protective' self-illusion that carries hidden costs. The nature of which run 'dark' until rupturing the mask of coping an impossible situation.

Growing a 'new consciousness' within a mad world - and partially mad adaptations to such a world, is a step of willingness at a time, as an instant of willingness in which a prompt of desire and curiosity to heal gives welcome to a deeper recognition than the face value of shifting appearances. I cant put this into words, but it can and does align, reintegrate and heal thought, perception and response prior to the split of victim and victimizer that fragments a dissociated and dissociating grievance and conflict management system.
Synchronicity may seem mere chance or happenstance, and yet beneath all appearances are relational themes 'playing out' archetypal patterns of problem-driven 'solutions' that buy time against reliving what might be called 'separation trauma' - not for dramatic effect, but as the basis for a self-image set at odds with (our own) Life or Self. The alloy of love and fear that characterizes the 'human conditioning', such as to co-fuse both in a woven defence of controls against a deeper fear of love, of relationship, of communication - that runs (in our name) to protect the split mind from a healing it cannot conceive or imagine, but only perceives as threat and at best as of being excluded.

To live free willing self-inclusion, I have to extend a recognition of worth to my world and relationships. But 'I' cannot 'do' that as a means to get for a sense of lack, nor get rid of what I hate in myself by wanting to see it in others. That is what reinforces and tightens the 'net'.

Recognition is a grace of noticing. Our capacity to not know what we know runs on engaging the active ignorance of presuming to know - such as shortcut references that no longer actually connect to a true currency of exchange. Has not a weaponised language rendered an Orwellian reversal for the breakdown of a socially masked imposition of order? There is a true basis for growing trust, but not within the vested idols of substitution for relational honesty.



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