Saturday, 1 June 2024

Integral Wholeness of Being - Not Afterthought


 Integral Wholeness of Being
Not Afterthought


Misperceptions give rise to and rise from defended identity - to then frame reinforcement for misperception as suffered or subjected reality.

The principle reversal to be healed is at the level of mind, where body and world are assigned causative or creative agency relative to a subjective adaptation or identity of defended or 'justified' judgements, that 'share' a mutually agreed self & world as framing of unconscious definitions and beliefs; perceptions & responses; habits & rulesets.

The theories of karma seek 'other lives' to 'justify' punishment. There Is no punishment but this: as you judge, so are you judged' Note the present tense also applies to the wages of sin Is death.

To communicate this to a mindset of linear cause and effect as separated, requires intuitive discernment, for all of our concepts filter and subvert to a reinforcement of such a premise - which runs as the 'father of the reversal' of Natural Order, to the focus in the physical experience - as we frame our 'reality' - rather than  recognition of psycho-physical or spiritual expression in no way separate from its active Cause, Nature & Condition.

Hence masking and distancing to a premise of pre-emptive attack is our 'toolkit' for survival AS a mind & face of private judgement as a means to limit, control or block & filter Universal Communication. When the mask fails to maintain the continuity of a 'closed system', it is reset as if exposure of its fallacy or lack of substance never happened - or shall not be accepted - such that and Open Channel of Communication is not only blocked, but framed and demonised as threat.

The framing of idea through which we think and perceive is a creative faculty.
The development of conception and perception overlaid an underlying nature of having, being and knowing - which we have temporarily discarded or 'lost' - for the focus of experience, exploration and consciousness development as both extension and reflection of a qualitative non-physical 'light' or Self-Awareness - as distinct from a 'self-conscious reflex' within awareness, by which we grow or adapt a self for the world that we also cocreate at a deeper or prior movement of being.

I essayed to sketch this from where I stand rather than engage within the frame of a reversal consciousness because I hold that the 'physical separation' is winding up to a mass 'death' or dead end from which I see the freedom to recognise and release the lie and the father of the lie that is not merely in the bad actors or agencies of evil that we can see, but blocks the beam of light in our own vision.

The extension of love is not an act of a self, but a willingness to receive and give as one. Hence the restoration and renewal of a true self that undoes or heals the misperceptions and countermeasures of the false or mis-taken identity. Without a recognition and release of attempts to mask and 'mitigate' or seek gain or credit by 'caring' framed as an independent authoritative act, the substitutions for love operate as a basis for denial of exposure to a lovelessness that properly understood is the Call for love in truth. But our ego-defences can not understand anything BUT a call to war, to judge, to blame and to punish, cancel or exclude.

It is our own Temple (focus of devotions in life) that needs 'sweeping' of what has no true belonging, else we 'see' the sins of others as our own justification or mitigation.
This is not to say everyone else is in the 'right mind' either, but a grounded reference point is not the basis for resetting a reversal in a new set of robes.

Now if everyone reads this with the thinking mind, then the patient is indeed 'completely under'.
Not to demonise any facet of our being, but what we generally call the mind has to pause so as to allow receipt of a 'knowing' that cannot be conceptualised or patented, but does align intent and desire in unified purpose. Not our agendas or counter measures, but of a wholeness of being to which we are integral - not afterthought.


I posted this into

The Profound Decline of America's Scientific Institutions

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