Thursday, 11 April 2024

Conditioning - Teaching & Learning

Conditioning - Teaching & Learning

Upon reading an article on Off Guardian

What if it’s all long-term conditioning?

Why we should learn to think in longer time-spans. by Axel BC Krauss


on the sense of a long term conditioning agenda - rather than a specific issue (covid). I felt to just write a 'heads up' for a resource that in my view holds key insights for releasing or undoing the mindset of a blind manipulative defence system.

A Course in Miracles is a course in mind training - but to the goal of changing our mind about our mind. For by conditioning is a mind set in a conflicted belief system where illusions of escape compound the 'problem' of authority' By which true authorship is usurped by a tyrannous will set in protected fallacies.

Many are attracted to it as inspirational - which it is, but also fundamentally frustrating as a thought system by which to extend a false sense of self-creation. New wine doesn't fit the old paradigm.

The manipulations of others operate through our own 'back doors' that are in effect resonant attractors to a shared 'learning' - such as the game of victim & victimiser.

Uncovering our own 'ego-in-act', is then a recognition and release of blocks to a grounded and felt peace of being, that run as automatic or conditioned 'defences' against exposure fear of pain of loss - stamped by a past set in grievance, masked by appeals for sympathy, self-justifications & diversionary strategies of obfuscation and concealment.

The Course holds a mirror to the 'dynamics' & devices of an ego of mutually reinforcing self-delusions running as compellingly 'real' - yet only as a basis to nip the mindset in the bud from an awakening discernment rising from acceptance rather than abnegation of freedom & responsibility.

Therefore it is completely un-understandable to the ego framework - in which pain sickness, war and death are all 'understood' as certainties from which to draw an inheritance or authority within power struggle.

Of course its all conditioning - or to put it another way, what we think frames what we do and thus demonstrate or teach and thus learn. But having learned 'attack' as a basis for 'salvation' or survival and control, as a mask of love or care - albeit weak, frail and under constant stress, we cannot of ourselves see we attack our own peace and deny our own freedom in an 'othered' world.

Masking , distancing and attacking, framed in guilting or gaslighting controls, locks down to a death in life, lockstepping under tyrannous dictate.

But can Narcissus be induced to look up from a fascination (love) in horror and fixated addiction to the seeming 'dynamics' of conflict?

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