Monday 10 April 2023

Do Nanobotnets run dark ops as agents of our own manipulative intent?

 in response to the themes in:

 Yes potentially EZ water can store information. But that's not active computation, that's just passive retention. The active element in this case would be the human being's own consciousness. The reason I'm not believing this stuff is because self assembling crystals may create passive elements or potential matrices for computation, but where is the active element? There's no spirit, there's no DNA, it's just dead matter. Nanobots and nanocomputers require active complexity that is not precedented on this scale.

Excellent comment!
If nano-tech draws on bio-field energy as driving its function - like a sail uses wind, then the electromagnetic fields also operate some level of instruction.
My own sense is that our own consciousness is such a field of interaction, but that it operates at different levels so as to seem to be compartmentalised, with significant elements externalised.
or to put it another way projected or cast out such as to result in a virtualised sense of self subject to world whose accepted and given meanings, attributes and functions represent a distorted mirror to a persistence of focus within the body as the framework for experiencing.

Your agency in engaging with me is a field of interaction that is part of my experience but not directly of my control. How I engage with and create or share meaning from our interaction is a result of the thought I accept as resonant with my core value system or individual consciousness.
That we can communicate at all evidences a shared field or nature.
Ideas that resonate attract by association, and ideas that have no resonance do not at least directly communicate at all.

So the idea of augmenting our living body with technological means for meshing with external controls set by others using invented systems of EM communication is an extreme example of subjection to body under alien or other control. A version of 'They made me do it' or even "Look what you have made of me!"

If we observe our thoughts we readily see how pervasive such ideas run as part of blaming or guilting manipulations set in social masking of 'normalised behaviours'.  But for all the perks we may think to gain by masking off intimacy or conflicts. it is such patterns of behaviour that attract and align in subjection that denies personal responsibility for thought - which is freedom to create, extend and share in felt or resonant meaning/fulfilment.

A arbitrary divide between psychic & physical splits life to give cause or priority to a (model of) physical representation that can then be manipulated to generate a derivative experience of existence as if independent agencies from the Field of Spirit of Living Thought. I capitalised this because post-split 'thinking' is conflicted by an element of manipulative or private GoF, no matter how ingeniously concealed. Living Thoughts are 'symbiotic' expression of unified purposed. We know their being us is our true connection in life - as one with and not split off from life - as our ordinary state - not as a special state.

Now it may be that a world made utterly joyless is freely released as not worth the candle!
But my sense is we are beings of thought and therefore of choice, and by our choices are we revealed or concealed. Fear of Disclosure is what I see driving a blind technologism for getting more of what doesn't even fulfil, but boosts a mask of control set over fear of total pain and loss.
I feel a deep learning or evolutionary shift for our human world, towards a reintegration of consciousness & release of conflict rather than double down in conflict to reset the mechanism for "New game!".  The call to joy also undoes masking defence against pain - and so initially unconsciousness seems the short term solution, and conflicts are put off or masked out to grow in the dark, but joy is of a wholeness of being that given welcome will grow new pathways of perspective as participation in life.


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