Monday 10 April 2023

The nature and fulfillment of a true question

 in response to the themes in:


Many of our questions reiterate statements couched in the form of a question, so as to frame the 'answer' in predefined terms - that can also be used to set predetermined outcomes. Self-reinforcement persists in a particular set of beliefs or definitions as the current or active focus in or by which our reality and self are framed.
The native movement of curiosity is a direct quality of desire to know and to have and be the experience of the result. When enough people get stuck in the same place they call it reality.
Questioning in our being is then not just a me seeking a fulfilment, bot the potential of that fulfilment stirring and aligning my attention, thought and even timing, towards finding what I seek.
But framing statements or beliefs that we already know into forms of a question or quest or even "War On" or "Campaign to save..." are running under the dictum "seek but do not find!"
So it may seem that science is uncovering frontiers when it is in fact cannibalising reality to serve its invested models in ever more complex instruments of obfuscated blocks to knowing if not bollocks - or so would be the recognition to anyone who persisted a true love through the thorny thickets of their defences against disclosure.
To recognise and live our question is to choose not to squelch it with the usual suspects that we learned under whatever conditioning experience of our formative years. Cant do, not good at, too complicated, out of my depth or reach, but most of all - I am unworthy or unqualified to know, or don't trust myself to open up in ways that met social disapproval when I was young.
To be as a little child in a new world is to abide with in trust that what is needed will make itself or its ways known in a way that I can recognise and understand - that is as part of who I am, but haven't yet uncovered or are in process of discovering. I'm sure most of us recognise perfect parents, schools or whatever other institutions shape our lives do not exist. Our parents have their own blocks, blind-spots, squelched needs and pent up conflicts, and so that is the world we are in a sense suckled into as part of developing an adaptive capacity to participate.

But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here. ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland.

We have to mask our self in various ways and degrees to belong, fit on, or survive our world, but then become so identified in mask as to lose a felt connection with life as presence of unfolding qualities that are the More of Who We Are, put to some degree on hold, while we establish base camp in a realm of potential conflict and limitation along with consciously shared joy - balancing within the action rather than polarising in reaction.

A true answer is never just bits of data or information to fit into an already complex structure of attempt to get a handle on a life we learned to lose BY trying to control our model of a world to the exclusion of a felt embrace or appreciation. That could be seen as locked down in defences against... reliving the experience of deep squelching - if not seeking vengeance on anything we associate with our sense of being denied or deprived recognition, worth, value - love.
So if you are not willing to let love in but blame Them or It - how long to wait for Them or It to give you permission to be yourself? Quite apart from what you are running on as yourself is a mixed bag of acquired beliefs or outdated strategies?
The old Say; Be still and know God - holds true without the word 'God'.
Be still and know - without any trace of a doubt, a movement that is forming some kind of ask or desire, that may or may not find words that fit, or come out in words that frame and limit - but by not squelching is given welcome if only a moment before the old habits pile back in - but see, you noticed that!
So without giving fuel to any self-blaming diversions, persist in the new habit of noticing, valuing and abiding with a quality of who you are that may have been long or deeply denied - but is felt as a vitality or even peace of integrity of being that is of a different order to the manufactured obfuscation of a mind running on manual override to try and manually manage or override 'What comes naturally'. We are not lacking a biotech-cum A.I augmented transhuman exogenous control system.


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