Thursday 20 April 2023

You Are Your Own Awakening

in response to the themes in:

Video at


 by Kate Wand

Are we living in the fourth turning? Will there be some kind of global awakening? When will the masses finally wake up? What can you do to be free within a totalitarian society? Who are the Remnant? These questions and more will be addressed in this video. "It raised the obvious question: Why, if all that were so — if the enterprise were to be a failure from the start — was there any sense in starting it? "Ah," the Lord said, "you do not get the point. There is a Remnant there that you know nothing about. They are obscure, unorganized, inarticulate, each one rubbing along as best he can. They need to be encouraged and braced up because when everything has gone completely to the dogs, they are the ones who will come back and build up a new society; and meanwhile, your preaching will reassure them and keep them hanging on. Your job is to take care of the Remnant, so be off now and set about it."


You Are Your Own Awakening

This is indeed a way to see & hold purpose in life for life as life amidst a drama playing out as a framework of consciousness - as transformative experience of exploration.
The unfolding themes of what was hidden but is being revealed is not really IN the world - excepting its correspondences or resonances within us - at the level beneath our social masking identity/reality.
Not unlike the dying process, we are unpeeled of our illusions if we choose not to die in them or for them!
The uncovering passes through the 'negative' or suppressed, hated and feared to then pass through terror or horror symbols set against a deeper Disclosure.
If it were not for the last minute, nothing would ever get done - said someone I forgot her name.
Or what can be put off until tomorrow can pile up pressures on Earth - such that un addressed and unhealed conflict can no longer be put off, diverted from masked over or evaded, and yet this is the healing process that we are most likely to see as a violation of our normal in which we sought to be made safe from intimate conflicts by displacing to masked projections or externalisations that reiterate patterns into mutating problems masked as solutions - up to the tipping point or bottoming out.
It is in my view impossible to predictively control the conflicts generated by predictive control. Just as we can never get ahead of our deceiver - but that we release the whole game of self-illusion as the attempt to manipulate our existence from a belief that we can and have succeeded in so doing and becoming.

Connected presence is a basis from which to extend life and know we share in life as the expression of life - all of which is wordless or natural to a true self-appreciation as distinct from self-judgements that would set up or gas-light self-specialness. We can learn to be-live a gaslit world under a Promethean mis-taken inheritance, but the true light remains inviolate. We can only steal a copy, but only God can copyright. The attempt to hack and hijack a mind so as to elicit the heart-support for love-in-a-mist or love-lies-a-bleeding is a tempt that would be a game or a movie if we didn't become phished to suffer it under mortal terror as a Separation from All That Is - and That is being us - despite our 'mass formational psychotic dissociations'.

Self-honesty to energy and emotion or energy in motion is an experiential navigation within life. We may find it intense as there isn't time for 'all about me' or 'what about me' when brought to the point of choosing for life in place of choosing to frame in a death that would separate, withhold, and withdraw so as to predictively model controls by which to generate a framework of support for freedom to persist in such a 'death' as the drive to regain a sense of lost Self, or stuff a sense of self-lack with what we thought we wanted or needed to complete, or vindicate a sense of grievance set holy as the war on the life that we hate for rejecting, abandoning or betraying who we are thus specially chosen to manifest vengeance as the expression of our faith.

Listen within by the grace of noticing - always where you are - or indeed always nigh - not in time - but as a shift to intimacy of being that is not found or at least kept 'outside' but that we step up to stand in a like quality of being. Or actually allow ourselves to be transformed instead of seeking to get ahead of ourselves and thus getting in our own way.

The qualitative realm is expressed in tangible forms. Because you are moved to align in a true movement of being you are opening a shared awareness upstream to the thinking that thinks to get in the way and sign it off as its own creation ;-)


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