Thursday 20 April 2023

Living waters above & below

These reflections arose in a private forum at


To set themes of living waters, and living thought. That contrast with our current 'order' that reveals itself as organised crime seeking control over its own chaotic result.



 1. Q

 Within the creation story, and elsewhere in the Bible, there is a description of the “waters above” and the “waters below.”

In the creation story, the waters are first separated to be above and below by heaven/sky. Then the waters below are separated by earth. 

With that context, here’s my question: if the dry land (earth) means stability/order when compared to the waters below, is heaven the stability/order of immaterial things when compared to the waters above?

Are the “waters above” chaotic/disordered ideas/thoughts/etc.?


The electric universe perspective reveals that the physical universe is about 99% plasma. Plasma physics opens a deeper connected model of energy in motion as self-organising patterns. It also opens new eyes to look at symbolic representations of historical human experience.
Sometimes called plasma cosmology/mythology.

We live a world view of uniform gradualism (that was more political than scientific in origin - as is climate alarm today). But our view and experience of our world or cosmos has not always been as it is now - but has been very different, such that ancient pre-historic myths are rarely connected with what we call our physical reality and set under the determinations of scientific institutions.
Yet the underlying patterns of such 'mythologically mapped' constellations are archetypal to our minds as dramatic elements to a narrative structure for unfolding meanings. Indeed our 'rational' superstructure is in many ways a masking over a sense of dissociation as a drive to fill or regain a sense of self-lack.

Creation in mythic terms has been put as "God moved upon the face of the waters".
As well as now having a cosmic & scientific sense of the alignment of order within apparent void and chaos, I also have the recognition of the waters of the body - for this is the medium of translation for energy & information currently assigned to 'genes' as material determinants (to be mapped, hacked, forged or adulterated by the same mindset of mis-creative thought as ever phished a mind).

So in our own direct experience  we have the Holy Spirit of a discernment of the waters resonating coherent to our field of awareness of being, contrasting and so allowing choice & release of the waters of a dissonance of thought that persist as self-reinforcing loops of a segregative, limiting and conflicting self-image.

In an object model a living aether was got rid of and replaced with 'space'. Likewise living water (in the sense of self-organising structures of support for life and consciousness) is reduced to H2O and discarded for a mapped out mask of predictive control.
 There are innumerable facets of exploration of the nature of waters above & below. But the experiential is felt life.
Energy-motion; E-motion.
Felt qualities of love & life are verily 'Good'
Emotional states set in the grasp of possession are conflicted or adulterated.
Take no image of reality to our self, but have and be the experience of, by giving to God what is due to God. We then have and be at one rather than set at odds with Creation as the unfolding of value-fulfilment - as a basis for endeavour, growth and cultural enrichment.

2. Q:
The information technology (IT) triad is
  1. Information processing
  2. Information transmission
  3. Information storage
The analogy for human experience is 1. thought, 2. action, 3. perception.

"As above, so below." Perhaps God can be approached analogously through the three hypostases: the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ, respectively. The Father is the Plan or the Program or the Thought. The Holy Spirit acts in the world and transmits information. Jesus Christ witnesses and judges, perceives and stores transcendent information.

Of course, God, and His manifestations should not be trivialized with any simple distillation such as this. But do you see any resonances in scripture with this breakdown?

Our liability is to become tooled by our tools - which are the extensions of our own thought..
Our 'thinking' creates in our own image, which then conditions our 'results'. Garbage in; garbage out.
The logic or law of mind does not predicate, but operates on selected predicates as assumed or asserted definitions that are necessarily meta-physical or upstream to any results or process of consistency.

Living Thought is of an order that linear concepts cannot approach.
Yet the symbols on which they are founded can still point to living Meaning, when we yield our predictive modelling mind to a felt relationship in being we are not making or manipulating.

In-form-ation as a field of functional integrity.
As a living record of service to functional expression.
As the framework for developing consciousness as experience and exploration.


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