Wednesday 13 April 2022

Crisis calls attention present but fear resists

I put this into : THIS Is The Next CRISIS To Prepare For... by  Neil McCoy-Ward.

He outlines stages to illustrate what historically happens - and is against occurring.


We have to load or set the charge before a trigger has effect.

Compound toxic debt/unresolved conflicts.

John Titus speaks similarly to you well worth a check in with.

Current conflict - Scott Ritter or Alexander Mercouris of The Duran


The Different Drum by Scott-Peck on community building's 4 phases: 

Pseudo Community (socially masking over suppressed issues) 

Chaos (Emergence of what was repressed including Mr Fix It) 

Emptiness (Not unlike bottoming out - an exhaustion of support for pain of conflict)

Community (Presence of acceptance of what is, as it is - a basis for true shared appreciation & endeavour)

These are participatory states we can move through or recognise, as well as shifting between as individual and community of shared endeavour. The experience of love as embodied life is often where the mind interjects as attempt to grasp - ie "I never want to lose this - I want this to last" - which compunds a sense of self-lack to crytalise the forms, image and associations rather than the blessing of being freely aligned. While this immediately shifts the quality of the experience, many are phished until sometime downstream where conflict with reality, is interpreted in way to reinforce invested self-image rather than revise or reevaluate our invested 'worldview' or strategy-habit of thought and response. The key to all this - perhaps - is to be with or in conscious recognition of where we are in any given moment. We think to come from our peace when we are angry at being disturbed, or from a threat that is no longer active but triggered by association etc. Have a Good Day

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