Friday 3 June 2022

Hidden in Plane Sight?

The criss-crossing of the sky by persistent trails that diffuse to either dense haze or clouding is such a fact of simple observation, yet any questioning is given 'contrail and 'conspiracy theory' as the official authoritative narrative for social credit  without which you can be socially debited/excluded.
When those who know do not or cannot speak - even the little they know - it communicates the arm of terror as a pervasive but unspoken power. For if the reasons were reasonable, why would they be withheld?
Nanoparticle research is  applicable to many applications as well as weather modifications of various kinds.
For it features in biotech for medical applications - including patents for aerosol 'vaccination'.

The thing about 'Science' is when it is funded and technologised to serve its own agenda while masking under 'medical or climatological' fraud, it makes all the rules, definitions and regulations for its own agenda - to which living beings are but experimental subjects, assets or liabilities.

At the very least, is a pollution that will affect respiratory health, and if toxic will bring out symptoms that are or could be recognised as toxic, but for the marketising and weaponising of 'contagious' narratives running on fear of bad luck, divine retribution, karmic payback or self-negative scripts.
 But because we have been part of a lie or a truth denied, does not make any or every counter claim true.
The nocebo effect is very potent in the susceptible, but conversely pretending ignorance as a bubble set in lies offer no real protection while using the false to deliver unto greater evils.

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