Tuesday 10 August 2021

Living Aether, Motion, Matter and Mind - The Infinite Intimate


Living Aether, Motion, Matter and Mind


Calling it 'empty space' is already a distancing separating masking objectification of discard. Infinity is without any gap or discontinuity, beyond conception and yet the already embrace of all that Is.

The understanding of exchange and interchange as material motion is thermodynamic. The recognition of resonance, capacitance and frequency domains is of a different order. We are modelling our sense of reality of both Self and Universe - they cannot be separated from each other but the image or model represents a dead or incoherent dissociation.

The Mind of God is two words to the same meaning; Mind. Our current model and concept of mind is materially bounded, caused and determined. This is a very recent idea. Private thinking sets a masking boundary in psychic & physic terms. It isn't private so much as a domain of temporary dissociation, in resonant lockstep with the same proclivity in others as a way of looking 'out' or perceiving Everything from a frame and lens of definitions that lockdown object meanings as charged differentiations or polarised levels of relative significance.

Releasing the psychic bonds of such meaning structure, changes the rules and filters of local mind, such as to let more of Who and What we, unfold or consciously embrace as Awareness of Existence - which are of course two words of the same meaning.

Awareness is physically represented as embracing space, receptive space, vibrating space. But 'space' as a sense of lack of existence is false, and used to distantiate or dissociate sets meanings from which all else is fragmented.

We are already a perfect expression of a Living Universe, with a focus operating as an augmented reality experience, in which contradictions and negations operate as parameters of identity in experience.

The attempt to deny the Mind is an identifiction in a model reality that promises or seems to give a self-autonomy along the lines of private thinking.

Giving or bringing this 'mind' to presence of awareness is the instant receiving of a more aligned coherence. Withholding persists in the experience and expression of differentiation as charged or polarised conflict. That these two are one in the service of Life is hidden from the mindset within differentiation as the wave is invisible to the particular expression. yet Is the Field of which awareness recognises by giving and receiving meaning as significance within a whole.

I just woke up and looked at the comments here below and let the theme offer a morning meditation. It is not particularly themed to physics as explanation of  all its parts, but as an appreciation that doesn't deny the life of the exploration of physics as empirical discovery by which our subjective models and definitions are expanded or released from a past that no longer serves us - except of course to have brought us here.


Recoil from Infinity can double down in 'modelling' - There seems to be a stuttering of the process of expanding integration, but this is like the experiential (which can seem chaotic to ANY attempt of grasping control)and the Theory - which has the idea of God in its name does it not?

Ideas that Live are as Infinite as the mind they represent. Our concepts are symbolic derivatives that can pattern in likeness of ossify to structures of blind disregard or self-destructive limitation.

True curiosity IS the movement of (our) being itself. In learning to 'see' the emperor's robes, we lose the freedom to be truly moved. Or rather mask it over and think it lost.


The idea of adamantine or infinity particles (what the original word atom pointed to) is at one with fractal of holographic function - that has no 'outside', limit or gap - and yet opens perspective within awareness at Infinity for experience as extension, 'relation', resonant exchange. These ideas are expressed also in sacred geometry. 

Motion is time and space or relational intervals as changing states. We perceive and object reality and assume an object persists in time and moves through space. Not least because we identify subjectively as a persistent continuity of focus IN such a selective reality.

That every instant is a unique total state cannot be worded, and yet the zero-point of such a seeming stasis 'creates' or gives tangibility and visibility to all that is - and is at our own heart or existence, one. Desire is a magnetic vibratory field of attraction and alignment. Our concept of desire may be confused by masking substitution, but Of Sire is of the Father, or true Seed, and so 'Know Thyself' is the going forth and multiplying of living Idea, as Creation itself, for desire calls forth idea that reflects and supports its expression.

I am not primarily talking physic here - excepting as qualities of energy and information that  can be given tangibility and visibility as physically experienced rendering of Infinity through finitude. Like This!

Knowledge has no gap or lack in it. But mind-modelling in symbol and concept took the light as if its own making had replaced a Living Inherence, and 'knowledge' was used to mean something special, hidden, achieved, guarded, possessed and controlled. All of which reveal the signature intent of a mind set in such by a sense of lack of such. The mind of judgement selects to reject, in rules and filters set in giving, that are then received as experience of an exclusive right to light, suffering denial and deprivation or darkness.

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