Tuesday 10 August 2021

Refuse investment by reaction to fear narratives


 Companions in resonance if not round a camp fire...

Fear offers a basis from which to identify in masking distance as a covert identity or private think - as premise of a special or exclusive freedom that actually delivers an illusion of control to the experience of a tyrannous mind - that may at first be hidden but all such dreams turn to nightmare when the fear can no longer be masked over, and is got rid of by attack that generates more fear and denial or limitation and loss of consciousness to dead structure.

The willingness to feel and know is the release of the authoritative assertion we already know in terms of a stamp of past conditioning over the face of a true presence that cannot be recognised or shared in except as tyrannous dictate commands - which is NO recognition at all, but slavery to symbol of the past raised in worship of grievance set as vengeance as right over life set as victim, broken, weak and treacherous.

Choosing to NOT comply or align in false or self-destructive lies, illusions or habits, is holding open now and now, to willingness to listen and receive Presence of heart and mind in which to recognise. live and share in what DOES resonate true of who and what you/we are - according to our current level of willingness to share it.

That we experience fear and love alloyed is part of the human conditioning that seeks to get love or control it, for a private gratification or booster to a sense of self-lack that generates proclivity to fear as the goad to self-inflation or self aggrandisement - that sets up for a Fall or self-revelatory experience of recognition and release of a false for a true.

Here we are.

When fear is recognised as a Call for alignment in recognised true and nothing else, we use it to unify purpose from a true presence instead of seeking to gain leverage against a feared and hated evil that then frames and defines us BY reaction.

The Satanic Deception of an overwhelming inevitability is a Picture of what we each and together have made of what we are. Resist the suggestion that you have to entrance this picture by looking at it, instead of into its lies that are of course targeted to your profile and therefore offering a specific re-education to your willingness to wake FROM a narcissistic identification of thinking to a relational willingness that is of course NOT under our terms of contracts and controls, but Lives, and knows Life in giving and receiving instead of dedications of For Getting.

There is nothing to fear is true in wholly loving. Not a virtue seeking mask of manipulation, but the transparency to a recognition that is a gift of love we cannot manufacture, or achieve, because the already Given cannot be remade in the image of loss but only revealed beneath the masking over fear of loss. No one can release or change what they are actively denying or disowning, and so the fear rises to awareness as an opportunity to choose differently as a more aligned sense of who you are. This reveals a love that is not what we think - and we best be aware of what we think, because we can be phished by thinking, to run a mis-taken or false identity that conflicts our reality and engenders fear, that can then be 'externally solved' as a repackaged version of toxic denials.

Recognise all fear narratives, and the fear that sets and drives the narrative identity.

Then you see it is not who you are and has no place in you. Perhaps through a teasing out of a complex of fears that have become associated with self-protective identifications now brought to curiosity and awareness.

Are you locked down, distanced. masked, immunised and normalised as a body in a world of bodies, each with a separate seeking mind lockstepped to its narrative identity?

To question is not to attack, but to open to greater perspective.

If questioning attacks it seeks nothing but to undermine and deny such a gift perceived as threat by masking its attack as its defence in the image and form of communication.

I could fear letting myself be drawn back into a sense of self and world that I am NOT and do not want, but a sense of self-betrayal rises from disintegrity against a living love of truth. Self-honesty is grown from a deeper trust. Until we can grow trust within our self, we will not let life in for fear of hurt and hurting both, but persist in the devil we know - or thought to know...

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