Tuesday 11 May 2021

Spiked on a Fear Driven Fake Immunity


Dylan Jones

This existing/non-existing Shrodinger’s cat , conflated with other viruses and modes of death, is being used as symbol by the witchdoctors, to represent all manifestations of the plague. Even if it was bioengineered, which I believe it was, it was done to exemplify the germ that humanity most fears. They have even distilled its essence, the spike protein and found a way to compel our bodies to create it on mass, simultaneously compelling our societies to create their greatest fears on mass, all the time eroding our biological and informational immune systems.

But its all voodoo,  or the repackaging and redistribution of fear, guilt and penalty - as sacrifice. The 'engineering' of toxic interventions to natural or lawful function is not a true act of creation, so much as an expression of denial, masked as virtue.

That the protein is called 'spike' is a point from which to run the mind.

Chemical compounds interact. Biology is the study of the interaction of chemistry as self-organising and self-balancing homeostasis relative to the living energy system we call organism that is an expression of and within its total environment, which has subtler energetic support guidance and communication matrix, than our biological modelling allows, not least because the loss of Symbiotic Relation within the Field sets the mind in territorial conflicts, by which all functions are subordinated to serve. Thus Biology is weaponised and marketised for the war of private agenda set at expense of Host or Wholeness of being and subverts our attempt to understand and appreciate Reality, to a leveraging that we are 'tooled' to think is how Life Works, and suffer and die in, when it is how we are collectively thinking, or rather accepting thoughts that are leveraging conflict agenda as narrative truths or currency of substitution for communication and exchange.

immune (adj.)

mid-15c., "free, exempt" (from taxes, tithes, sin, etc.), from Latin immunis "exempt from public service, untaxed; unburdened, not tributary," literally "not paying a share," from assimilated form of in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + munis "performing services" 

The ideal of ego autonomy is immunity from relational responsibility - specifically in regard to obligations of honesty, debts or sins. A war-mind operates a lockdown-thinking by which to limit loss, by externalising or distancing its effects to others, by masking it as a power of protection and 'selling it' to others.

Masking AS the priest or expert of greater or hidden knowledge presents as if closer to God or to Truth, so as to become assigned as 'authority'. The ideal of ego autonomy is to usurp our Authoring so as to run our own reality and get what we want in terms we set, as the ego-centric assertion of a private or 'control-mind'.

Overriding our Nature is really blocking our awareness of function and living our result as our use of freedom to choose to deny (awareness) under conflicts set by learned fear or conditioning.

The Nature of Life is such that what does not serve innate function, cuts off its own source of support and is released from service. When we experience loss of connection and support, we identify in competing or predatory mode of GETTING from 'others' as a substitution for Life. The process is parasitic or depleting of Life for the sake of self-illusion or substitute connection in shared symbolic substitution - given power by fears mis-taken as truth.

To realign in functional being is an un-emotive way of affirming wholeness, connection, relational appreciation and honesty of being. It is also workability in terms of all that is her - in any situation, rather than for a split off sense of separate, threatened and competing agenda. Finding the balance point of self and others is not difficult where there is honesty of relational communication. But under the dictate of fear set as self-immunity in lockdown, distance and masking, there is no awareness of self and others as living beings - but only as the masking narrative systemically dictates in terms of a shifting model of 'systemic' immunity from threat, conflict, change and loss.

Possession BY our own thinking is a mind trapped in its own thoughts.

One can rage or scream in vain - or smile at the absurdity of such a confusion taken seriously. But freedom to look at the thinking means releasing the grip on the belief it is our protection, immunity or self-advantage over 'others' seen as threat.

The mind of a true immunity from fear and conflict is not concretised in the nature or cause of conflicted fear, but receiving and giving in connected presence. At this time, for many I am suggesting a miracle of love's connection replace the system of laws and rules and filters by which we have learned to make a 'normal' of masked over lack and fear, set in guilt and conflict. Any such moment or instant has a quality to change our day, our outlook and demeanour, such that one step leads to another in the releasing of an insanity. Meeting the evils of the day thereof in living terms is a process of owning what is truly ours and releasing what does not belong, which is also coming back into a Right mind, instead of getting in our own way from attempts to control Life from an alienated and alienating sense of judgement.

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