Wednesday 12 May 2021

To an openly anti Jewish diatribe 

To an openly anti Jewish diatribe:

In using a racial characteristic for the machinations and deceits of elitist power structure, you set everyone of that group as a target for hate and attack or denial by association. regardless that the Jewish Identity has long been international, and often but by no means always in conflict with the nation states they live in. The use of fear by leaders to control and maintain an identity against integration or subjugation is not unique to Jews, but has unique facets.

Whether you mean to or not, your resort to the good v evil narrative of assigning the latter to Jews, undermines anything else you write or teaches a blanket prejudice that no longer has to question, because it believes it is right.

Open anti Jewish diatribe is sometimes found to come from Jewish people, either from the 'self-hating Jew' - so called, or as a strategy of keeping the herd aware of the fears by which they are induced to support, sympathise, comply, or at least not openly criticise. This device is not unique to Jewish controllers, but as you say, to Criminal Mafia of organised crime that is recognisable across time and space in human history.

Hate demands a target. But hate is a reaction of vengeance against being hurt, which is associated with being unfairly denied, attacked.or deprived. That you hold grievance is evident. That anyone or everyone Jewish is the cause of it is false, and perpetuates the cycle of denial.

The Mafia run on the perpetuation of polarised identities set in fear and grievance. It is their battery source. Perhaps they don't need to DO much to find an energy supply when people are set in identities that DO it for them.

To what degree to people WANT their grievance and protect it against introspection and healing? To the degree that they seek power for themselves from an underlying sense of threat, lack and drive to defy it?

The deceit runs deeper, but must ultimately come home to roost.

Or in the world's thinking, a deep state of deceit must be protected against disclosure of both lack of substance, and its alienating of truth.

All protected or securitised narrative indicates  a limiting and controlling of mind that then attracts the projection of fear into what is held outside and apart from  transparency and account. What is actual agenda and what is projected motives from our own minds? And how do they interact to in some sense feed the unconscious fear of the one being assigned 'control' to believe they have it?

You may not choose to relate to what I write. But i am not complicit or supportive of your assignment to race as pathogenic. And so I offer another view - and not simply an anti anti reaction.

To become the thing you hate under self-righteousness is the problem, not the solution. Those who feed off the problem want to set up insoluble problems. Do you consent to feed such a mindset - which could as well be an alien agenda running through anyone hijacked by fear.

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