Wednesday 17 February 2021

Revelation of Geneticism as Sorcery Code


Would CW be willing to look at the core details and methods of the single piece of data from China that we used as the basis for a Media blitz (unlike any other since at least ww2 but global) and the lockstepping of drilled institutional regulatory capture under claim of extreme medical emergency - that then switched policy to the CCP Lockdown as the new normal of a state-granted or denied freedom to live?

Along with the usual suspect Drostren et al's 24 hr miracle study for the PCR test primers upon which all of its 'cases' are founded or attributed to - as if the test reveals any measure of anything known to cause disease or be actively contagious. The use of computer modelling and mathematical complexity as a masking over a broken Model is the death or burial of Science as empirical honesty. Post truth Science is a systemic and adaptive 'modelling' that protects the lie and the father of it, and the degree to which a whole world can be led by a false premise is in the process of revealing itself or rather of a disclosure or revelation by which the capacity to choose or want it, will 'bottom out', to the recognition of what was never true, no matter how much was built on top, and what is always true, where a false foundation seemed to be as a result of fear, given belief and protection. Western Science has been subverted and undermined by 'power in the world' since its earliest development. There is a pattern that can be recognised; anything that truly moves, will be masked in by the mind set of lack, disconnection and fear. Or to put it in other terms, the possession and control drive from a fear of lack will weaponise and marketise everything to its agenda while presenting itself as for the common good and as virtue or necessity. Defining reality or world for the purpose of prediction and control, discards true significance or meaning, such that technologism replaces meaning as a hollow and robotic parody of living. Chinafication of humanity as systemic capture, for psychic and physical experimentations along the lines of dissociated thought disorder. But if China is a major stakeholder, the underlying system of all of this is the systems of the currency of exchange. If the Banking 'stakeholders' did not want this or any war to happen, the fire would be starved of supply in a day or two. That the capture and control of core systems and services has extended and spread to a broad spectrum dominance, is evident as a paralysis of capacity to move and for many, to even think. But it all hinges on the currency of acceptance and exchange, as idea in action. Ideas are not a think in themselves but share in and proceed from their root meaning as significance. What does it profit us to gain the world and lose our awareness of Soul? Ah! There is no soul or felt meaning and significance - show me the peer reviewed study! Science is Dead! is the exact same pattern as Nietzsche's famous reflection upon his own milieu. If there is a sars-cov-2 viral particle or isolate of only such particles, and they have been demonstrated to be the cause of a specific disease condition, outside of priestly assertions that when investigated are found to use different meanings for 'isolate', as they do for 'pandemic' or indeed 'case' - then there are an astute few who are seeking to establish that this is so - without success to date.
Disease conditions are experienced, and our reactions to such conditions can exacerbate or overlay its own pathology from fear-driven interventions that combine the 'must be seen to do something', under an overriding mandate that removes all normal checks and balances as The Standard of Care.

Transhuman science is operating the development of the dissociated or artificial intelligence, that thinks AS IF a mind can set itself outside and apart from Existence Itself - as Awareness of being - so as to re-engineer or manipulate and make it in its own image. This is a very very old archetype that runs all the way back to the sense of self imaged, as in some actual sense distinct and different from the Totality of its Living Source -nature or Universe. Self-awareness given to a self-conscious development as a project, or world of its own unfolding alloy of self and other or love and fear. The conflict is never between truth and illusion except as we hold the latter to be true and protect it against its own disclosure and our release. Invested self-illusion is what we call identity, and world, and suffer in its frame until and unless we question the 'world' and 'self', as the recognition of our primary or founding need and desire, for to persist in garbage is to always reiterate the same result - no matter how the definitions, parameters and their presentations or applications are manipulated to 'make us safe'. The recoil from Life as relational exchange, to a private lockdown, distance and masking dictate is not safety but the choice for the limiting to denial and sacrifice for a closed system or segregative and divisive and depleting death process - that must then drive a will go forth in scarcity, lack, and conflict to GET life from others, from externals, and yet never find fulfilment, such that the war or drive for control itself becomes the substitution in which fantasies are enacted upon the body as the chosen arena for the resolving of a split in Mind. The core narrative for the 'virus' reiterates the hijacking of the mind to deceits set outside and rendered as a 'normal' reality of conditioned perception and response. I write to invite re-wakening our primary responsibility where it is and shall always be - regardless we give or gave our power here there or anywhere, it remains our choice as to where we give attention, and signify value, from which to share or extend as our currency of relational exchange. This is not reactive, but reactions can be noticed and refined or released to a conscious discernment and appreciation. It is never too late to align in a true movement of our being, as a willingness to feel and know directly, rather than persist a mind-modelling habit of thought running in our name.

(Blatant smear and disinfo dump)

To the themes in such diversionary tactic; Why would anyone dealing smear, deceit and dirty tricks take anyone in? Because they WANT to believe? Or because they believe that destroying and invalidating the targeted 'adversary' is their survival, gain or profit? Lets take one item that is meaningful to the assertion of significance: Money. We are experiencing the greatest redistribution of wealth and control in known history under a mind capture via something that models mountains from the regular molehills of respiratory sickness. But covid is so much more than a 'cash vacca'. (cow). Cummins bent over backwards to accommodate a scientific and corporate institutional establishment that he thought would align with core facts and logic. Within that he persisted in presenting a very clear and calm understanding while shying away from the deepest anomalies because they are so built in to the model that to speak outside the box is to lose career, funding or reputation in the established order - to the vilification of hate-dogs that show everyone else what treatment you get if you speak out of line with politically proscribed correctness. So why indeed do people give credibility or appreciation and gratitude to another? I'd say it is a core expression of our human being and that you are helping by offering a contrast by which to train the mind to discern beneath the initial payload of presentation and appearance. Why does Dacorum give Ivor Cummins such a specially crafted attention? Well actually, he doesn't. Its a misrepresentation that applies only to a virtual model running Dacorum. The focus of war is extremely specific to gathering and using data for the purpose of destroying the enemy, which in this case is your consciousness dear readers. Deceit cannot see or reach the living, and so it has to hack your mind to replicate a mindset that will also learn not to see or receive the living.


Its an illusion of control and will 'flesh' out in fear of pain of loss as the reiterating history of the willingness to choose it. We are a living part of biodiversity on all levels. The cost is the giving. The receiving is in the measure of our giving. If we give a mask of virtue as an attempt to manipulate others (and our selves), we shall not be unjustly treated to meet our actually active agenda in our face so to speak, by the law of returns. There are ways to align with and hold balance within the whole that are an expression of life in Life - rather than the mindset of a dissociated control mentality. The meanings of the words we use can vary so much that the world nature, can be take to hold all kinds of different and opposing meanings. The attempt to control sets up a polarised reaction that can seem to be a thing or adversary outside and apart from the mind of such intent. A sense of lack generates the conflict and fear that is driven to believe it needs to control. That this is a conditioned 'normal' means that most attention runs its program leaving none or little to observe or release the choice to run it.


You have the whole thing in its core understanding; a lie
If that sunk in as the fact, then that self-honesty would seek worthy companions - ie: well what IS true? - rather than looking and arguing and chewing on a lie as if there is something true that has to be extracted from it.


How did we ever cope, with the flu pandemics of 1918 and 1957, which killed millions, but were over in less than a year?

Instead, we virtually shut down the economy, and destroyed our way of life, in ways which may take decades to overcome, and saddled ourselves with debts which may never be repaid.

Sometimes, I wonder if Boris had just held his nerve, and done absolutely nothing, would we be stuck any deeper in the doo da, than we now are?

Who is the 'we' of your assertions?
If Boris had not followed script there would be someone else to play the part.
The virtual world is a modelling substitution by which a broken economy can be repackaged under a narrative control, that delivers us to evils that mask as virtue.

The "we", is the collective for us.......who stood by and allowed this to happen, with barely a murmur of objection from most.

I didn't allow it to happen. I have my own experience and perspective. But in common parlance, those who did comply and did not criticise or object were firstly our institutional structures of leadership or protection. Did the Media let or make it happen? The psychological framing of this whole thing is part of the why, the way and the what of its happening. Narrative definitions and beliefs are not what they seem, or rather the world that seems to happen is not what it seems. The idea of being in 'control' is very much part of the mindset of a technologically structured social management. But this is deeper than many want to look because it puts a lid or mask over deep fears, the a faux parent operates to 'make us safe' from, by repackaging the conflicts into complex instruments presented under simple slogans of doublethink. The nature of this beast is that to criticise the 'masking narrative' or pretext, is to 'self-identify' as a social threat to the captured mind of the 'war against whatever'. Deep fear has been deliberately invoked and the forces and energies around this are not frivolous or inconsequential. Fear of, is quick to mask as hate of and then attack of, such as to generate a cascade of violence. The resort to such means is a desperate last ditch invocation of the means to make lies double down as if true. This is fear-driven, even if the minds of those who engage it are convinced of being in control and 'winning'. How can a world of lies 'win' anything but a deceit driven nightmare? But then if people are willing to adapt to it as 'normal' they will inhabit the niche of their tolerances. Mutate now - avoid the rush! I actually prefer to align in the truth of my being and honour the same in others, while the context of our times unfolds the journey that we take by what we make of it - including the meanings we give or accept, rather than groupthink. Everything was already in place when this switch was pulled. You cant just look at the surface appearances. We consent to be farmed and managed under narratives that mask the fact. Some of this is where we sacrifice to systems rather than fit the tools to serve our living.


Basically, yes. Excepting the self destruction is serving an insider group who to my understanding have been seeking ways out of a corrupted and broken Economy while keeping or consolidating 'control'. Survival in terms of invested identity will act and plan to prevail at all and any cost. The core stakeholders as they like to call themselves are all on board as a collective self-interest, but not ours. There are doubtless variaous narratives for various factions and levels of society with the 'mainstreamed' version operating as the programming for those who are invested in it. I don't see any sign of inspired vision for a living future in the narratives being peddled. But the opposite. Whether we will have a future reckoning is uncertain in my view. A major way could draw a line over anything before it and in a way covid is a war of a different order - with insiders who will shape the post covid order, or shall they? On the other hand I have no sense of any ultimate evasion of truth and consequence, and so we reap as we sow. I understand the desire for vengeance but above all else I seek the correction of fundamental errors that reiterate the same patterns of conflict pain and loss down the generations. Not the cancelling or flattening out of consciousness as a systemic 'safety'.



No offence intended, but are you paid by the word, for your replies? If so, you must be making a fortune.

If you knew the measure I am paid in you would abandon your chosen master and join me. Words CAN embody 'meaning' rather than the means for social distance and locked down masking of hatred pretending virtue while attacking itself in others, so as to generate or 'discover' the grievance by which to claim it was right all along. This site's comments are being attacked by mercenaries or even members of the armed forces 'retrained' to undermine the enemies of the state - except of course the state is captured and being run BY Big Money and its leverage, to effectively use the means to protect life, against life. This is freely shared - as are all my words. Live the freedom that you are, or lose it, thinktheunthinkableuk If you deal in belittling and cynical comment, what measure can you expect for your life, your relationships and your endeavours? The money you receive will only lock you in a hateful dependency as if trapped or compelled and committed. But I see you as a freedom to make your choices even if I do not share or support you current choice. Love is unthinkable in a world given to hate and war, and so its meaning is lost to the mind of weaponised language.

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