In a conversation of commenting, Lacan was recommended - as something perhaps similar to things I had written.
Ok for an summary overview I watched
Lacan in 10 mins ;-)
I relate to what is given of he says but hold the seed and source of all things as what he came to last. being truly is the relational field. Not the symbolic association of identity in imagery, self or other. Nothing is in and of itself.
My first teacher was direct experience - with no language or capacity to articulate within or to myself or another - but as recognition of truth - regardless terrifying to what I had taken to be myself or life. To know That I am alive is of a different order to a life of unconscious evasion of Intimacy of being. The only capacity to receive this is by extension.
In some sense this 'disturbance' of the self in imaged world of symbolic reflections masked in rationalisations to a vain or futile drive toward autonomy from the imaged and boundaried sense of limitation. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men shall never reassemble the fragmentation no matter what narratives are invoked to seem to resolve 'this time' as if the next illusion shall be different 'this time'. Because wholeness is never truly broken, and the experience is a broken image - given physical and emotional reinforcement.
The thing about all this is, acquiring a conceptual understanding is meaningless or liable to deny a true alignment of relational coherence as a conceptual structure presumed to confer leverage or a 'handle' on life. In truth it serves the capacity to release or yield the driven control mind from priority of focus to the field of awareness, which is in some sense more revealing of who we are outside the bubble of the ego sense. So there are processes of segregation as the development of the structure through which we live and take as reality, and in it's time and timing there is the reintegration of awareness of this lifetime to its essential or core qualities - that are the primary nature that can be recognised through the mingling of such qualities that are never apart or separate or outside the Timeless Mind of God or Creator. Only in imaged symbol is the experience of differentiation given 'structure' or form in a way that can be held in focus or mapped to awareness in what we experience as object continuity. The mapping and modelling of structures through which we call forth experience - but for the most part - as Lacan says, we are almost completely unaware of the true Unconscious, which is not the suppressed or over masked content of levels of Consciousness, but Infinity, directly, and so there IS no point that is outside or apart, but Is All That Is, In All That Is. No perception or thought reaches or even begins to reach or embrace the All Embracing - excepting as resonant alignment.
Hence to yield the lockdown mindset of a masking narrative dictate (release the active isolation of distancing to the movement of a truly relational desire), is to let love in - which is always a Communion with Infinity even if the mind reads it in finite sense of the qualities of Life.
I find a resonance of ongoing opening from the 'mind' to presence with A Course in Miracles, but not at all exclusively or as a source of 'identity'. Rather as I just indicated as the support and context for the release of invested identity to a relational willingness - through which the Spirit reveal as All of This - exactly as it is. Right where I thought a 'self and world' were. This thought is not attacked by truth but repurposed to alignment to a reintegrational awareness. But when I was young and unprepared it did seem that truth was in some sense deconstructing my self, world or sense of separateness as control and 'face' over conflicts.
Invested self-illusions fear extinction and worse, until the need and call for integrity of being finds willingness to accept.
the 'territory' of being extends infinitely beyond the mind of the self and world we think to know, which is a construct or consciousness through which Infinity shares - because extension is the gift by which is recognition of having being
I watched an overview. He makes sense to me.
there is a boundary condition with the mind of adaptation to our experience of self and world, that is in a sense oppositionally polarised and liable to reversal in which the cause is assigned to effects, that usurp truth and set up reversals - exactly as in our world today in which “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". (Michael Ellner)
I wrote more but sit on it for now.
The mind wants to translate everything into its 'model, narrative structure' as if to define for the purpose of control IT takes as 'understanding'.
(New Wine into old wine bottles).
To be as a child without knowing in a 'new language or revealing fulfilment, is to let it abide with and grow within. Likewise to process what someone is saying while speaking sacrifices the Primary Quality of relational being for the getting of a personal handle for private motives - no matter how well intentioned.
Receiving the presence of another is the attunement to the Spirit within the situation as a whole.
I may read a bit to feel him between the lines. i don't grow or resonate with agreement so much as inspired intent. That changes the mind of the reader rather than a process of struggle towards some future goal. Unfolding an ongoing fulfilment is from a different 'place' or basis that the getting somewhere, somewhen else as a disqualification of presence.
The revealing of truth is not permitted as the spoiling or short-circuiting of the gift of unfolding experience. And pushing receives pushback, and yet withholding also generates a 'stuckness' or inability to move.
I did not see any reference to the Timeless or Non physical in the summary of him, but his acknowledgement of the Relational as the true source-nature of All, is transcending and embracing of all other facets of what are not really separated parts or levels but all together now.
Ha! I wrote more again.
Truth does not hide. In concept, we hide.
Principally by means of conflict between imaged reality projections and Reality as Is, that generates conflicting symbols of qualities that then archetype as Powers set over that underlie our human consciousness as our world. True Power is then usurped in our mind by idols of representation taken as the God or Power or Significance given it.
But reality is in no way involved in conflict. Illusions battle within themselves.
Who are we to mask in image and form but a phish out of water - running a mis-taken covert ID.
Beneath all the narrative or masking control struggle in our time is the revealing of ourself to our Self. I invite looking within, which is a way of saying look now, not introspective thinking. Let any thinking follow the alignment of emergent perspectives that pre-thinking blocks or subverts. Or else we make manifest in the image of a past made in anger and extend it as future of its protected persistence.
I resonate in A Course in Miracles, but it is a specialised tool that I live the integration of, rather than push as a teaching form for others. All of what I so far read of Lacan is within the Course - though more holographically revealed.
When there is a need and call for the reintegration to presence from an invested presentation, the means and supports align in their timing to each according to readiness and willingness of recognition and acceptance. But the point is an awakening quality of trust and discernment within the situation - which includes all the meaning it is assigned or representing within the Relational 'Field'
Regardless any words or sketches or attempts to say, the territory is not the map and so let the Terrain align the need without getting in our own way.
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