Saturday 13 March 2021

Expand the Frame! 


Nature abhors a vacuum, and questions and unknowns demand answers, which must be filled somehow, even if in the interim before getting some sense that filler must be crazy theories.

I still can t make any sense of lockdowns, but my best guess at present is that it is at heart a vaccine scam  BigPharma, and their many, many adherents, taking the opportunity of a generation.

 Expand the frame. It is only 'medical' for the setting up of global 'biosecurity' (sic) state. IE Genetic control. Social Justice (sic( is for the setting up of social engineering/mind control. Environmental action (sic) is for the setting up of 'banking' Nature and carbon control (re: human carbon units).

Part of this is the nature of a fear and control agenda that MUST mask in virtue to 'survive', prevail or protect its interests. This is an insanity running under narrative self-justification. It's 'conspiracy' is not so much hidden as each our own unwillingness to see, and is more like to the 'Hidden Hand' of the Market - from a negatively defined sense of self.

The Golden Rule operates in reverse for a mind locked down in fear, denial of fear in distantiation/dissociation, and masking over as narrative assertions that must then externalise its own conflict and attack or accuse it in others, while defending against and attacking anything that would weaken the mask of its seeming power and protection to 'make you safe', under fear and horror of broken and betrayed and betraying love.

This 'racket' or pact with the mind of self-illusion, delivers us unto the very evils we thought to save such a 'self' from.

But look - the device by which we are deceived is being SHOWN us - as we have eyes to see and ears to hear truth - regardless our fear and indeed as the true desire to undo or heal it!

There is no vacuum in truth or Nature - (99% of the physical matter of a Living Universe is in what we call the 'vacuum of Space) Not in objects sensible to our body. But in the fear of disconnection and lack is the 'unknown' into which a fear-filling imagination pours, and reacts to as real when it is virtual modelling - and not a true Current Communication or state of being. Orwell's room 101 is an example of fear of unknown - as was the 'novel' virus used to fill with a cast of violating psycho-pathogenic intent.

The ability to feed the mind of fear with ongoing narratives that condition reactions seems to be 'power' over life to those who have lost their mind to a hollowing out of life within the addiction to control as a substitute for love - which they cannot recognise as anything but weakness and threat TO control - and must then eradicate as a 'contagion'.

How deep do you go?

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