Thursday, 18 March 2021

Behold - I Make All Thing New!

You Know “We’ll Never Know,” Don’t You?

Edward Curtin's review of Adam Curtis’s six-part documentary ‘Can’t Get You Out Of My Head’

Glad you didn't take the bait Edward Curtin.

I watched part 1.

I never actually gave up smoking. I simply have never chosen to smoke the next one.

I stopped taking it into my head decades ago.

Adam Curtis: Let me get into your head to weave stories that connect various threads to re-contextualise a realm of weighted meanings that reveal only to conceal.

The ultimate hidden truth of the world is that it is something we make. And could just as easily make differently.

We make stories and be-live them. But what we make is then symbol or idol for it neither recognises, shares or returns the love we assign it, to reinforce our reflected image and thought.

The self we mistake is a mask over conflict covering meanings, that dissociates or distances, to then defend against the light that would reveal a lack of substance or foundation in truth - but an identity taken from denial.

To make lies and believe them is a freedom to limit, conflict, deplete, degrade and suffer pain of loss. All within the illusion of a mutually agreed narrative self-justification.

Without a deceiver in our ear, whispering lies to its phished identity, or SHOUTING to pull back from opening any real intimacy of being, we would surely meet a different world and recognise truth through the extension of honesty and trust in an integrity of being, instead of asserting and protecting a mask of virtue under perceived and believed threat and grievance.

A world in which a personal sense of 'lack-driven getting' is released to a true appreciation of giving and receiving. Thank you! But such is the Gift of the Spirit that aligns all things true, given due acknowledgement.

But conflicts of mind and world are set against its own dissociated and projected denials, that then act out through those who know not what they do. Because their mind is blocking their own receiving.

The ultimate or obvious truth of the world is that it is something we choose to accept, to value and to share in. And on recognising a poor or mistaken choice can just as easily choose differently.

There are but two choices of which only one is real.

Truth or illusion?

Peace of integrity of being?

Or as conflict seeking vindication and vengeance in a worship of grievance as hatred given power, masking as virtue as its necessity.

Without the fig-leaves a transparency to the horror of such a revealing holds a terror that death calls to save us from.

Yet truth never went anywhere ELSE while a mind of projected fear, set in the very persistence of what it took to be 'power' because by it was power lost. And so is fear, limiting by division set to protect or solve and remedy a problem it multiplies by the attempt.

There is no need to get or force anything 'out of our head'!

The intensity that we set against a hate will generate an opposite reaction as shifting forms of ever further fragmented Self-alienation. A spiritual evolution is infinitely more than the cat and mouse driven development of attack and defence - from which infinity is excluded.

There is a Call to reconnect, to still our own 'thinking', and LET the felt qualities of being rise to awareness. Revealing our self and world as an appreciation that extends out. So as to live from and as presence rather than under masking dictate.

If we want freedom to live in peace, we need grow a discernment of habits of perception and reaction that have been revealed fruitless or futile self-indulgences, so as to establish a conscious disregard to otherwise 'letting them run in our name'.

Growing a new pattern is not a battle of will set against demonising yourself or others in the old. A future that extends a true presence is not a carrot on a stick, nor driven by attempts to evade being struck down.

You never have, can or shall create yourself, but as a man thinks in his heart, so is his experience of self and world. It is a local copy of 'augmented reality'. The ego cannot edit truth, but is the belief you can and HAVE done so.

"Now your for it! Just wait 'til your father gets home!".

Taking our self lightly may allow a way to recognise a pattern. Errors are mistakes that can be corrected once recognised and released, but 'sin' is the conviction of irrevocable guilt. Sin 'makes' a world of war, struggle, sickness, suffering and death. Not merely death as a releasing of this life in this world, but a living death - as a new normal from which there's no going back!

And here we are again. There is a pattern running.

Self-illusion given priority and 'protected against truth by attacking and undermining truth,

under conviction guilt gives power to leverage and limit and distance so as to 'save' from exposure.

Yet for all its self-reinforcing vicious cycle, sin is a choice and is as easily changed for a better choice, once the glamour or appeal of the illusion has lost its capacity to induce our support for love's substitution by control, with our compliance and consent.

If anyone believes I have deprived myself by leaving parts 2-6 unwatched - reply with what you appreciated receiving as a result.

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