Monday, 15 February 2021

Virology is demonology is a pseudo religion

SOTT publish a 'debunking' claim to valid critical analysis of currently claimed 'fact'.

Thanks SOTT - but no thanks!

Virology is demonology is a pseudo religion

The externalisation of a (psycho)pathogenic intent is the projection of that same pattern of thought onto the body.

As for isolating - the use of this term in the weaponisation of medical science is not what we usually mean by it - just as pandemic has been adjusted under WHO to mean nothing very significant while still operating as Terror threat in the minds of mainstreamed mass hypnosis. Just as testing is used to imply something that is does not and cannot test for, just as cases have been separated from clinical disease, just as health has been redefined as asymptomatic disease.

Word magic works a kind of hypnosis on the unwary - just as repeated images do - because the images evoked by the words are NOT true witnessing to the facts. Any more than computer modelled predictions provide facts on which to base our action or response.

The ability to name and frame narrative definitions is the mind capture of all that is dependent on them, and the ability to select computer assisted 'genomic sequences of short coded fragments back into Humpty Dumpty using an existing database of similar code constructions is the biotechnical monopoly of the means to define 'new' or variant 'viruses', diagnostic and testing parameters, and treatments or 'preventative' immune busting interventions. All with variable sliders such as to generate the outcomes as required on top of a relatively predictable respiratory sickness seasonality. 

The INVESTMENT in the virus theory as factual is so immense in both milking captive revenue streams and the demand for magical means to mask against the natural processes of life in the body, that most of us are acculturated to think in its terms as an unquestionable invisible structure.

Conflict evasion and denial masks in cover story, that is built upon as the basis for protection from the very thing it protects.
And so the war on sickness or War on anything else always DOES the thing is presents to defend against.
Fear is being protected from healing. By projecting it to externals where it is attacked.
The externalising of toxic debt into complex repackaged narratives is the private gain set against the whole.
This is the pattern of deceit running through our world as its most fundamental corruption.
What can come from a false foundation, but that it must attack the true witness?

I agree that merely stating the virus is unreal can be misused and unhelpful.
The belief in the virus is real enough to support the lockdown and destruction or rather - destructive redistribution - of life support - by those who are most seeking to gain from the increase of wealth and control. 

Trillion dollar interests seeking to clinch such a restructure instead of disclosure to systemic corruption have a lot of means in persuading the minds of many to act against their own true interests. But they haven't a love of truth or the truth of love. They will thus seek to infect everyone with an inoculation against truth as the basis upon which to set up another 'cycle' of lies on top of the old.

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