Monday 8 February 2021

Repackaging Fear into Systems of Sacrifice

Commenting into the daily

 There is a feature of modern banking that reveals a feature of human consciousness in the intent to persist in conflicts of self contradiction, by repackaging the toxic debt into financial instruments that operate within regulated forms of currency and exchange.

This is also true as a pattern across the board, as a way of not resolving or addressing toxic consequence of lawless and dissociated intent and behaviours by 'externalising' liability to the lives of others and to the living environment as a whole, so as to persist in a claim of the right to repackage such harms to regulatory structures of both containment and participation of the living in their own sacrifice to systemic deceits that are asserted by the established order of protected investments of identity, status, privilege and controls taken for a driven private agenda masking as public partnering.

The financial or banking system, holds the key to corporate dependency on credit such as to frame corporate regulations under which corporate survival dictates participation and compliance in their own sacrifice to systemic subjection while imposing such to the living who are dependent and managed by their services.

The piling up of denial, debt and toxic conflict, is masked over by ever more sacrifice to controls that FEED upon the fears that are packaged in layers of evasion and accepted as social norms, regulatory protections and virtue masking compliance.

Another way to see this is where any conflict of hate and fear is not addressed but evaded and denied by the willing embrace of a panacea or magical solution. While there may be specific help for specific issues in the form of the solution, its use as a diversionary displacement for un-faced and unowned and therefore unresolved fear, operates AS a displacement 'reality' into which all the psychic-emotional patterns, will reappear through the forms of the 'solution' but as if new problems, requiring further 'new solutions'. The lie or self-illusion, always requires more lies to protect it, and the cascade of which is the driven, but negative 'Economy' of feeding from and as the process of destruction as an anti-life agenda, under mask of virtue. But clearly and obviously hollow to the capacity to meet and share in love of life - excepting as framed in a clique of self gratifying exceptionalism, as a love of self-illusion given power over the living - including their true living being.

The capacity of our mind to model reality as a predictive shortcut to decision, is also the capacity to give reality to feared outcomes, and map out evasion and delay that denies us a true discerning presence under the stamp of fear brought out of a past that has yet to be owned, faved, truly addressed and resolved or reintegrated.

Anything thus evaded is piled up and packaged AS IF escaped or put out of mind. In the moment of the displacement, others can seem to pay the price for our disintegrity, but time and space are not what they seem, such that seeming, will disintegrate to Disclosure, or to put it simply; illusions are temporary cover story, masking for a transparency to being that shall recognise freedom to be, in place of freedom sacrificed to fear and control.

Currency is not just money, credit, or assets, but idea, trust and tangible worth.

The current is a present discernment of inner and outer as one.

The modelling is a virtual representation 'into' which we have sought to make our home.

There is a self-dispossession in the attempt to grasp and control the Living that becomes contagion to a hollowing out of an incapacity to feel, know, recognise, share and support life.

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