Monday 22 February 2021

Love Life and disinvest of masking by deceit

Daily posting into the 'lockdown sceptic' comments:

Complain, appeal or rationalise your 'understanding' as if it it has traction over unreasoning fear-driven hate, but the active intent is the reversal of the Law based on freedom in innocence and right until found guilty of crime, to law based on guilt - even to definitions of sickness, contagion, planet-icide and 'systemic hate crime'.

Self-definitions and core beliefs are the most fundamental freedom of our hearts and minds. If you accept a loveless self, you shall experience a loveless (hateful) world.

The whole thing runs the destructive use of guilt and fear as a source of power and identity over life and over others - as its denial and replacement with coercions of deceit, by which to rule out joy and peace and light of love in action - such is life!

That China has been used to model technocratic tyranny and has now been imposed in many nations globally is a symptom of global and financial corruptions in all areas of pubic and corporate life. The cover stories for such corruption are the driving narratives that are pushed into the minds of the many as the masking for a desperate evasion of Disclosure - so as to buy more time for the persistence of destructive and toxic thought, word and behaviours.

The exposure of a false choice that brings sick and evil outcomes is the opportunity to relinquish, disinvest and release it in our self. 'They' have trillion dollar means of coercion and deceit, and you have a still small voice for truth as the basis for all else - that is as loud as your willingness to hear it.

Sin (the persistence of self-illusion at cost of awareness of truth, and as active attack on truth), is driving and driven to hate and deny the Life, while framing its own replacement of hollow masking 'virtue' as an appeal to truth, set in lies.

The answer is to align in truth of Life - not to join in the baited frame of an insanity from which no escape is possible of intended. Be sure that the underlying pattern of 'guilted fear and control, seeks your death, over which to raise its 'sightless and heartless' vengeance of hate set as 'power' over all that lives, in fantasies of creating life to its own image.

Love the Life and disinvest of the sin of masking deceits of a hate and fear given power as priority over all else. Love - or the willingness for the conditions by which love is given welcome - is first in your heart and mind, but if given to lies, will sacrifice the Living to feed and protect their claim to your allegiance.

The bully will not leave you in peace while you feed it. But will feed you a false peace under carrot and stick that NEVER comes and always delivers unto evil. How could it not?

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