Sunday 21 February 2021

Fear Not - and Live This Day well



So, how are you going to avoid the Coercive and Unnecessary Experimental Gene Therapy? You won’t be able to use shops etc. Have you thought about that? Because I have enough food for a month and my cupboard is full.

 Live this day well.

If you feed your fears – or the fears that have been fed you, you will crumple under the burden of your own thinking.
If you were actually fed up with lies, you would be a LOT more vigilant as to what you accept into your thought by unmindfully speaking it!

Who you are is your freedom to be.
It is also your freedom to deny, for a temporary experience of conflict, darkness and struggle.
If you give fear of lack, pain and loss even to death all power over your life, then you have made a choice and you have the capacity to re-evaluate that choice in terms of what it costs you, and what it actually fails to deliver.

Note the Freudian giveaway of CAPITALS for negative symbols as Power.

It is not that I seek to make us afraid of our own thinking, but to learn to recognise when we are indulging a kind of ‘thinking’ that is self defeating and self-destructive – and stop feeding it with our attention and giving it fuel or freedom to run. This is a level of self-responsibility we unconsciously abnegate not least because we believe no one including our self is worth consistent effort (truly valued). That recognition can also serve to recognise variations of self-judgement that persistently operate to mask, limit and deny your true acceptance and expression.

The world as a masking dissociation and displacement replicates the mind of its purposing to such a goal. Fear, coercion, conflict, limitation and loss – seeking to persist as your power, protector and guide.
That there is a living world reflecting truth is hardly available to a mind set in denial, distance and disconnection as its defence.
It is not that they are stupid, but that they literally know not what they do, as a cognitive dissonance or dissociative defence set in fear given power.
Giving a true with-ness uncovers true worth-ship.
The renewal of the mind is not an extension or add-on to old thinking patterns.
Nor will masking the old as a ‘reset’ find true sustenance and workability – no matter what ingenuity is brought in to repackage toxic debt as the basis to found and fund a ‘novel’ ‘Economy’.

If you cannot find truth in your heart, you are lost by persistently looking everywhere else.


this is my username:

It’s a strange idea – I mean no one is going to hire their clothes, for example. These people just do not understand human nature. It is human nature to own things.

You may be provided with all designated or granted needs or services by a state that has all rights over all that you use, but grants you the legal right to use them under contract (compliance).

So monopolisation of ownership is the new ‘social contract’ of being allowed to exist within the terms of a contract whose terms are set by one legal party as the ownership and use of the other – along with ability to reframe the terms and conditions without notice or recourse of appeal to any accountability.

Human nature is exactly what is being re-engineered under multiple and many levelled experimental applied research on the living. Human beings will ‘understand’ their conditions as the defining context of their existence and adapt within such parameters to live such a world and nature as normal.

Now I do not go along with this, but it is a sketch of the enslaving of people by others who use psychic-emotional deceit and manipulation to the targeted and profiled fears, guilt, and hate that characterise the ‘nature’ of the deceived.

What truly do we possess in life?

I do not ask for a glib answer but to put the enquiry forth as to what is truly ours in life and what is in a sense given for our use. Thinking in the world is already framed in a set of mutual agreements that run as ‘algorithms’, filters and rules, that express and reinforce a sense of self and world that has been ‘normalised’ as a process of learned adaptation.

A truly open perspective does not start with or centre upon the image, the form, the body, as locked-down or built in meanings under which we are compelled.

The current situation is in the same pattern as a past that has reiterated its pattern from antiquity.

A false sense of possession is ‘fear as self-lack’ that seeks outside itself to bolster, boost or add to a self-lack. It actually dispossesses us of a current awareness of what we both have and are, as having being.

If our living will is contracted out to defined fictions given agreement, then the movement of being ‘runs’ the code or system of its own self-limitation.

Your ‘mind’ is not what you have come to think it is.

Another way of seeing this is the ‘managed addiction’.

We used to have divine nature and fallen nature, but everything has been levelling down to a human as virus for some time now. Uncovering a divine nature is the release of the invested allegiance in the self-manipulated illusion of fear and control, set in the spin of deceits given power or priority in our own mind, so as to in effect dispossess us or ‘distance’ and dissociate a mind so as to hide fear, as the contract to a masked mandate for external controls given allegiance and sacrifice as the cost for ‘being made safe’.



I thought the point was that there will be no work in the 4th industrial revolution as most jobs will have been automated.

If work is defined as the tooling of labour, there will be a lot that is replaced so as to not need human tools.

The genetic and social engineering of new tools will be its goal for the pursuance of fantasy goals for the wish to make life in the image of its ‘novel’ maker. The imagination is considered creative, but nothing made by fear and its underlying identity in self-lack, is truly creative, for the Creative is workable as an extension and service to wholeness of being.

The usurping of wholeness is a partiality given priority over truth. It is this masking agenda that invoked the Mind as ingenuity for the means to mask over and maintain a dissociation for truth.

Gain a ‘world’ and lose (awareness of) a Soul.

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