Tuesday 5 January 2021

Wonder Within the Living Universe


(I felt moved to sketch out)


 Everything going on can be seen as the invested identity in an object Model that proceeds from self-image - which is a complex of concepts and definitions  that has developed  a polarised and polarising sense of a closed system or 'locked down reality' under masking narrative dictate.

In specific to the above the electrical nature of a Universe that is impossible to separate  or distance from EXCEPT in virtual modelling we call our mind - which then 'inhabits' the world of its concepts and percepts as if 'reality' overlaid upon a Universe I will call Communication - though its nature is a communion of relations.

the so called Solar wind is effectively an organic circuit of charge that surrounds a differentially charged Earth  which is enveloped by a double layered plasma sheath characteristic of all such boundary conditions at all scales but varying in expression according to intensity and the nature of its medium.

The Atmosphere is a leaky 'capacitance' for changing states of charge and this underlying electrical nature effectively drives weather,  not a residual heat and a Solar irradiance and reflection.
the principle of homeostasis is not only observed in living organisms but in living systems and in the self organising patterning of plasma at all levels of the Cosmos..
These charge separations form patterns and structure within 'chaos' as well as discharges that of course have chaotic or to our mind catastrophic consequence - which yet set down structures that serve as a the basis through which Life evolves - and to my mind there is 'Life' as we think we know it - and a greater Context of which we are blind because we are a self-conscious block to our own awareness.

Some aspects of what I sketch can be seen at Thunderbolts.info - the Picture of the Day series are often short specific moments.

The other facet to an emerging new scientific perspective is that of vibrational frequency and resonance as the underlying Matrix for what we experience as our psychic awareness of physical existence. The closed system is never truly closed and the Open Creation is never defined or limited or contained in the patterns and structures of its fractal expressions. Both operate together - the balanced and the imbalanced - as complementary facets of a Whole.

The stars are beaded and spinning as nodes of 'magnetic filaments' that interconnect all things. Our Sun moves along a spiralling path that effects stepping up and down of charge relative to its 'envelope' as well as to differentials in the 'Space' or rather Plasma state of its current 'territory' or passage.

i don't write to argue or convince but to invite and elicit Wonder.
Science without Wonder has lost its way to become caged in a corporo-gov model of marketised and weaponised prostitution and 'lording over'.

Love of truth finds a way to the truth of love - which is the capacity to be with what is to the point of recognising truth. The 'mind' of a short circuit, short changes Participance in Life for a 'private' boundaried planet lockdown. My sense is that this condition is in some sense lifting off to restore Communication, hence the double down to systemic conflict management - as its boundary condition.
Our thinking is 'archetyped' on patterns of species trauma that gave rise to the 'split mind' and the development of seemingly independent consciousness set in opposition to our own Good - and thus also set against each other, as the attempt to protect and survive the Model that seems to give us life as we know it - or rather - as we Think we know it. Life that Is - simply Is - and it is our mind that has dissociated from our true being and not the other way around - though we experience as if at the hand or fate of others and conditions from the limiting perspective of a self-alienation that then knows not what it does.

The intent to leverage fear and guilt simply uses this 'experience' by narratives that redistribute significance, priority and funding to the chosen outcome - that is when there is an awareness of choosing rather than being fear driven by dictate of necessity. Choice is the residual spark of the Creative - which is more akin to Synchronicity than cause as leveraging effects so as to lord over a realm of effects and thus become conditioned and limited by our own measure.

Just look at the framing of fear and guilt to recognise science is forfeit to a tooled technologism rooted in ancient patterns of a fragmented  narrative constellation that re-enacts trauma because it has not been reintegrated to the Presence of a full and true Communication - which to use an electrical flow term is always Current, and not when we've atoned for guilt with carbon sacrifice, or reduced consciousness to limit awareness of our dispossession and declared it 'happiness'.

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