Sunday 3 January 2021

On the Failure of Appeals to Reason to Emotionally Invested Identity


RE: Failure of appeals to reason:

The suggestions are fully in line with post truth politics - of emotional coercion via deceits that target already running and nurtured narrative identities.

The presumption we are rational beings is a dissociated view, but that is not to say our being itself is incoherent or conflicted - but that we are for the most part identified in narrative definitions as emotional invested choices that in large part go back to separation trauma of which we are by learned nature, unaware of and wilfully so.

The deceit of self-illusion is its own psyop, and I take self-deceit as a point of ignored and evaded responsibility because we are set in avoiding what we most hate and fear in ourselves, by the mutually reinforcing agreements to see through filters and rules that reinforce such 'identity' which is inherently conflicted and masked in double-think.

'Post truth' politics (so called) for truth simply Is, and cannot be truly killed but only masked over by invested illusion - is openly deceit. I the degree to which we are not invested in its narratives we see clearly that is has no foundation apart from the sacrifice of life to its assertion as 'necessary'.

Twain is often quoted with regard to it being easier to (persist) deceit than convince another they are in fact running under deceit. This applies to our self, but that fact is entirely missed by a focus in 'waking up Others'.

That is not how life works - though it is how counter narratives replicate the same core patterns in seemingly opposing polarities.

The psyop or deceit as I see it is a baited hook that targets our proclivity to react emotionally. As soon as we have reacted even in thought to the presentation, we are 'in' or at some level acting out involvement within the frame presented. And so this is a way of by passing a true discernment under a dramatic response - IF - we are not responsible for our consciousness - but effectively managed by a narrative sense of identity within a social norm that is always active as a form of collective self-evasion - running as if a sense of self-becoming. Yet running over and within a real life that has relationship and integral connections of attachment and appreciation - lived and shared in some sense - through the filters of our social adaptation or training.

The core fact of a deceit is that you are not in it. But the practical fact is that while you believe it it is real for you and you will only think, perceive and respond from that reality - regardless its lack of substance. This is because, like a movie, the reality is not in the world but running through the 'subjective participation', as a dissociated state that finds social reinforcement of both ally and enemy.

The understandings around trauma are called on here and not the presumption that you can talk someone out of it. Regardless the actual facts of relatively normal death and disease occurrences, the experience for most is of trauma and shock that invokes underlying or indeed ancient fear to the point of terror, and in others, extreme disturbance as to the breakdown of social realities that are in some sense revealed as 'thin ice' over territory of otherwise subconscious survival masking strategy and unconscious terror or horrors that are in some sense shapeless dread and yet take on any and every form of what I call separation trauma - that our so called 'consciousness' was invoked and set in lidding over, masking out and covered over by acting from the mask of social expectations and tacit agreements rather than directly witnessing or expressing the experience of our being in conflict. Social inhibition as the generation of order set over feared chaos, rather than social coherence rising from order discerned within a wholeness that does not initially reflect as supportive to a sense of possession and control. And there's the rub.

I forecast that chaos as a negative will feed on itself to the point of awakening self responsibility or loss of capacity to hold the conditions for living.

The tipping point is where the seeming 'Protector and Guide' of the fearful is unable to mask out and 'escape' or mitigate their fear because the means to do so are themselves more fearful than the fear being magically assigned 'away' by externalised solutions - which by the way are the dumping place for psychic denials and thus the 'new arena' for the acting or living out of the denial patterns that have come down the generations for millennia.

The Voice for Fear's protection gives a 'separateness' as a seeming salvation. The current slogans and symbols represent this pattern clearly; social distancing, physical lockdown, masking in and as 'virtue'.

There is another Voice, but within the drama of conflict engaged in as real, it cannot find an ear and will never violate your will because there is no coercion in it. The willingness to listen for truth is the release of the intent and attempt to manufacture it. 

Possession and control usurp and disposses us of our Soul or truly felt and known connection and communication or true relational being. They run as a mental modelling given priority over a true intimacy of being - and as if to defend or protect the symbols of representation for our being.

Awakening responsibility as freedom, is releasing the false escape of blame and narrative struggle as to who gets to pay or be sacrifice to the persistence of power set in judgement over Life (control). The world of masking personae is a casting out or projecting away of a largely un-owned inner conflict that has ‘driven’ our development to bring us to this point. There is power of Life and in Life, but not as we know it in the frame of control set apart and over. Everything we ‘do’ sets the measure of our receiving. If we ‘want it darker’ then we invest and align and identify in conflct, because conflict is the means by which a mind can block its own Source Nature and Connection.

The conditions may become a lot worse, but blessings for a new year are called for and worthy of sharing because the nature of reality is firstly in the meanings we give and therefore receive as a set of contions that then hold all the meaning for us that we have invested in it. To disinvest from a ‘death spiral’ and align wholly in life as revealing to an active willingness now, and now, is a releasing of identity in conflict to the witnessing for the truth of life - which is the capacity to both bear and to stand in Life and for Life here and now - and therefore as a future in which a wholeness of being unfolds a richness of expression of relational enxploration and endeavour and not the death of Consciousness to systemic lobotomy of the reactive ‘rebel’ under Nurse Ratchet.

I cannot release anyone from their own will (nor want to) but I can release my version of you from my own often unrecognised terms, conditions or demands that you ‘fail’ to meet’ because your are alive and free to unfold your own choices. Those who have eyes and ears to recognise beneath appearance, see past the masking of boundaries - but not as a right to then manipulate a personal or private agenda. Yet that temptation is the starting place to pass by, unless we want another Cycle into limitation, conflict and pain of loss - wrung out for ‘meanings’ that mask over The Scream, given authority.

There Is another way of seeing this.

Relates to what I call the vaccine fly trap. They fell for the propaganda because of a strong emotional reaction – one of relief and joy. They were then sucked into the logic of the government’s position. Now many have come realise that vaccination is not the risk-free magic wand they were encouraged for months to think it was. 
And still, despite all the billions of words written and spoken about Covid, virtually nothjng appears in the mainstream media about effective preventative measures such as Vitamin D supplementation, Ivermectin, HCQ or indeed simple weight loss. How to explain that?

Fear depends on deceit to persist as a sense of possession and control.
Which dispossesses the living of their true basis for command of any situation and renders then ‘unequal’ to it or self-lacking and so driven to gain control by denying it to a perceived opposition, adversity or negative exposure and weakening.


Tom said:
There is a choice. We can allocate vaccines according to the risk of serious illness and death or we can allocate them on the basis of privilege, lobbying or whoever shouts loudest. Is it consistent with the values of education to prefer the latter?

I am not in your 'we' and recognise no real choice in the frame of your presumption. The allocation of these so called vaccines has nothing to do with risk of serious illness and death - except in the minds of those made fearful of contagion to themselves and to their family or friends.

Those who choose to lose their minds and abnegate their own will are suffering a contagion of thinking - not biology.

There is a real choice, but to allow it into awareness means allowing awareness to rise within our mind and this is what all fear driven agenda actively operates to deny - as a matter of survival in the frame of a choice that is denied awareness by assignment AWAY from self.

As in;

"See what you made me do!"

and all the variants thereof.

If you want to be protected from respiratory disease complications, then adequate levels of vitamin D will simply effect this as a general preventative. There are many other factors and many other safe and accessible ways to meet the need.

But the current funding of attention, priority and response is set by fear-driven and control defined viral pathology. Which is a psycho-path-ology.

Running in the host - not just in the Bio-Pharmers.

and PS

There were two tier vaccines for swine flu (H1N1) in Germany according to 'essential status'. Where there is no legal or scientific transparency and accountability there shall be corruption.


The point of a clear account of known facts is to hold a point of reference for those who appreciate them. NOT as a propaganda weapon on the same level as manipulative deceits - which is shoving the truth into the old wine bottle of control agenda.

The need I see is not to morally vilify the propagandistic deceits or distortions of others (as if to thereby claim virtue), but to grow and share in an education for the vigilance to the means and ways of such deceits or indeed mutually reinforcing and polarised 'self-illusions'.

Almost ALL response to the covid narrative is captured within its frame - which rests on an ongoing narrative that gives priority, funding and control to a pharmaceutical 'Economy-driver' within a network of other interlocking or indeed lockstepped 'Economy driving' narratives.

The modelling of ideas and ideals on which our 'world' runs is not true - not based in truth and unworkable except in a short term at great burden of sacrifice and expense.

the controllers idea of sustainability is the REVERSE of true as the reset to a deeper level of limitation and control in which the dispossession of Consciousness is effected as a state of collectivise mind capture. You will not be 'Happy' just because your neural and biological responses are hardwired to a new normal in which you not only do not have to think, but may not be able to find the capacity to think. This process is not new, but ongoing. This is a Time of Choice as to your consent. Just because the framing is set as an 'offer you cant refuse', does not mean you cannot look at the framing instead of being framed in evils and succumbing to the seemingly lesser.

Fear will always interject to deny a real choice unless bring the fear itself to awareness. That is a real choice. Fear denied will go to 'mind' and mask over to drive its maker as a tyrannous or coercive 'choice'. We seek protection from hurt feelings. This is not wrong, but it is not a stage to become stuck in and infantilised and tantrum driven.

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