Sunday 23 August 2020

My offering to the 'root of the problem' 

I appreciate that you see it that way - but my offering to the 'root of the problem' is that we - each and together - are doing this unto ourselves - but under a split mind that operates a 'matrix' of deceit or self-illusion.

Repentance is not a matter of getting OTHERS to change to fit YOUR narrative dictates. You may of course assign that role to OTHERS as seeking to force you to give up or renounce what you protect as your 'self' and they regard as threat, evil or risk-factor. Your reconciliation in truth is your freedom. If you don't extend freedom to others you wont know that you have it - but will run off in slavery as if escaping a 'mind set apart and defended against freedom'.

Whatever we deny, becomes our unconscious projection or unrecognised reality.

You may say that fear MADE you do it, but in self protection, but is that the 'self' or masking persona that fear gives you?

Preying upon others as a means to prevail and protect a private or masked off sense of mind, self or will is all about 'getting' or using others lovelessly to boost, bolster or strengthen a lack of immunity to fear and division - and thus 'joining with others' in mutual reinforcement of shifting alliances of common cause for 'getting' or protecting against being 'got back'.

Selfishness as a blindness to the lives of others or indeed to the truly living in ourself is a driven agenda. It takes different forms of strategic adaptations that  include complex presentations of apparent virtue within a life that operates or embodies giving and receiving.

Giving and receiving are one, but the one is expressed and experienced as the many, and while each expression of one is unique, the capacity to assign cause to effect, and be-live its result as real, is the capacity to wish to grasp and control life and believe you have succeeded - if only in defending a tiny part against overwhelming odds.

Indeed a tiny powerlessness against an overwhelming alien will.

I am suggesting that this is a reversal resulting from the attempt to generate or invoke and wield an alien will (loveless mind) for a fantasy set in grievance - by which it takes on a monstrous and terrible aspect, whose gravity squelches the capacity to ask an innocent question or receive an answer in like kind.

I am not suggesting that lovelessness be used to feed and fuel a blame agenda.

But that we can - if we are willing - notice or own our own part and re-evaluate whether it truly serves us, speaks for us or has any true belonging or meaning to us. And so lovelessness - in whatever forms that are recognisable by their fruits of dissonance, conflict, fear and loss of peace - becomes a call for pause and curiosity of a desire to truly know - rather than a call to war that has already automatically reacted in 'self-justifications' that may be more about past associations than anything actually current.

Your argument is simply power envy if all you seek is to predate upon or prevail over those you see as predators.

The old idea of the Deceiver has a lot of liabilities - not least of which is giving it power from a place of fear of dispossession (howbeit we are deceived), but the nature of deceit in our Root or Foundation, is perhaps the best parable to convey the nature of the 'corruption in the Template'. Garbage in; garbage out - but the resulting garbage SEEMS to make sense as a bug to be eradicated in the world, in others and anywhere BUT our own thought - which is for the most part hidden of masked over by a body of evidence and convictions, that are so convincing a reality as to induce an allegiance to hate set against unrecognised and feared love.

No one can reach to another and undo a mind-reversal that they are actively investing as their accepted identity. Any temptation to try to do so, becomes polarised and subverted to serve the very thing we thought to correct.

Yet we can reach to or extend to another from a felt quality of appreciation for being.

Morally self-righteous convictions fuelled by self-certainty gotten from hated evils do not extend virtue, but mask in it.

If you are now aware of predation - just stop it!

Live the level of responsibility you can accept, to grow appreciation for freedom from 'predation'.

When you seek to manipulate, you flag yourself available for manipulation.

Needy people attract the counterpart to support their role. True needs are felt in the heart - as the movement within our being. Lovelessness has a head of rationalisations to mask over in justifiction for an addiction.

Addiction to a currency of deceit will be deceptively framed as power.

Where is your true power?

What is your true priority?

Why are you thinking, saying or doing whatever you find that you are giving energy, attention and value to?

Are you living the solution or be-living the problem?

I do not use this to make 'sides' to run a racket, but as invitation to recognise life prior to problem-driven replications of itself as 'solutions'.

The misunderstanding of Jesus is simply the refusal or unreadiness of fearfully invested identity to yield. When all that witnesses to love in your life is gone, you will realise that you do not know what love is, but that you need it above all else.

Everyone you meet offers you a part of yourself. Love unrecognised is the blanking of others by what we take as our judgement of reality.


Do you think 'what people want' is a precise or accurate account?

I hold that people want freedom from fear, but they can be deceived as to how to realise or achieve their desire. Perhaps because they are invested in fear as power of protection?

So while you are not wrong, you are missing the deceitful element and thus the opportunity to reveal it as false rather than reinforce a fascination with demonic evils.

I feel to deny the denial of truth by reinterpreting denials into terms that can be truly and simply recognised rather than run a mind by reaction.

That denying truth then denies that it denied anything goes with the territory.

Pointing the finger away is a means of self-protection from exposure to great fear, and so the need to seek and find great fear or threat in the world or in a projected future, as an ongoing mask of protection from exposure to denial of truth. How is this different from 'living a lie' - excepting we then believe the life the lie gives us? Rather than recognise it has all the power or priority in our mind of attention and intention - that in truth we give it - to deny truth.

The self-contradiction is 'exported' or projected away to proxy wars from which self-certainties can be drawn in blood and pain.

Perhaps in the light of my reply to your recent comment is the issue of whether our 'deception' is an Entity, entities or a form of mass denialism running a mask of denial of what it does, in claim of grievance, wounds and protective measures?

Is it our 'Devil - upgraded to some ET of inhuman of alien agenda - sucking the life and mind from Humanity in exchange for becoming some sort of battery or genetic lab rats?

Is it our wish to persist in self-illusion for what we think we want?

(I don't need to watch the video but I see the framing of the invitation to do so).

Is that a way of denying an alien agenda to hack my mind?


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