Wednesday 26 August 2020

Viral fear can be falsely flagged to anything 

If everyone had the same definition of the word 'virus' you would at least operate some commonly shared meaning.

They don't.

"Viral fear" can be falsely flagged to anything - but is fear that communicates and replicates without grounded conscious evaluation in the minds of many, so as to become a 'reality' by virtue of reacting as actually true.

Telling people that their fears are false or unreal is  set in the context of a psychic storm of shocked reaction already in motion or of 'conditioned normality' already set in defence.

All your posts are in the theme of 'They are faking terror' - with the emphasis on 'them' and generally a complete dismissal or disregard for the fears being triggered and used to bait people by reaction.

'Virus' once meant poison - but has come to mean contagious agent of poisonous or pathological intent - or at least effect. It is predicated as THE cause of disease by infectious contagion rather than as a theory of causation yet to be proven - but backed by trillion dollar interests that pull more strings than wool over our eyes. It is predicated to be the cunning, mutating, invisible hijacker of health - and to have taken over the Planet - such as to retreat from open or unprotected association to a permanent state of pre-emptive war - that attacks OUR immune systems under the belief we do not have any, so as to 'prove' the disease that can account for, or count over any and no symptoms - but most especially health

This is what unowned and denied fear DOES in the mind - and becomes the 'tares' of a vector of contagion through all who refuse to address the fear where it is - by joining in the mutual consent to 'flag it' where it isn't - and attack it there.

For 'fear' you can use unresolved conflicts, or toxic debts, unwanted and denied consequences, and the whole edifice of a masking mind by which to keep a face of control over a wilfully mis-taken identity by which fear, guilt of toxicity seems to be masked over, masked out, and assigned to 'Them' - meaning somewhere ELSE.

That this pattern of profound Self-evasion consolidates to such a world of monopolistic denials of life as freedom of association and exchange is the 'evolution' or development of the mind of control - as the masking flip-side to fear.

The use of viral fear as a means of denying and choking off life support for the life of the body under systemically guilt-manipulating regulatory controls, effectively paralyses the will - not unlike a venom and webbing by which to make its prey 'safe' in respect of any ability to defend itself or escape.

The development of the expression of the mind of control as predators seeking to be top of the food chain, makes a world in the image of murder and deceit by which to maintain position or get one over others. As long as there is 'food' on the table, alliances or truces hold. But there is no integrative intelligence to a mind-set of 'getting' for itself, only the parasitic use of the living for enacting private fantasy of a mask given priority over life. How could this NOT be a death mask? Even if it can be set to go through the motions or appearances of life?

What Is Real?

The answer that we accept by acting from it, is what we put first, give priority to, or give life, energy, desire and power to. There are some who are starting to recognise the nature and the power of consent as running 'in the small print' of a discarded or diverted attention.

Regardless of what anyone else baits, incites, insinuates or tries to trick, co-opt or frame us into giving - our own will is Sovereign. This is to say it is of a Divine or Innate quality of shared being or existence - but the fear of losing it, generates a sense of lack that 'possesses us' or more accurately dispossesses us to a sense of lack - verified, proven or reinforced as our experience - and flagged to a fear, doubt and division that is hidden and kept hidden by setting the mind to seek and see it it Other - and attack it there.

The division that then seems to rule is a mind predicated against true intimacy of being.

I haven't thought of what to put on my banner - if I choose to hold a banner.

But my desire is to witness for Life as unified and unifying Purpose - through all its parts - regardless the old mind of seeking to unite against fear, evil, enemy, virus, or any other social hate target for persisting a masking in virtue.

Perhaps I will be vastly outnumbered but only if I judge others as not meeting my own judgements or expectations. Is there another way to be with people than judging them? Or more bluntly - is there any real being with - while judgments divide and rule the mind? Is our 'world' a hoax? And yet the only hiding place we each have to escape or evade or delay what we are unready or unwilling to look on in our selves?

What happens if we try to take the illusion away from those who are set in it as their survival? They react as being robbed of life.

Joining in life - regardless the appearances - can establish a basis for sharing what there is willingness to share in.

I appreciate Andrew Kaufman's input a lot by the way. But investment in a narrative cannot be TOLD it is wrong and should not exist.

OK - you can TELL anyone or yourself anything - but you cannot make them (or yourself) drink it. They may go through the motions as a masking compliance - but for their own reasons - not yours.

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