Monday 16 November 2020

Censorship & Vaccination 

Censorship & Vaccination

The rules are the rules and can be used to pummel a questioning mind into submission.

But as Jesus says, the Law is made for Man. Man was not made for the Law.

He was talking of the Law by which we live and not the interjection or hacking of the Law by private agenda such as 'moneylenders' in the domain of the observance of the Law.

The current situation has the absurd, tragic and insane scenario of willingly consenting to be systemically masked, insulated and controlled in place of the mess of involvement of our human attachments as the crucible of our relationships - that reveal our life from a greater perspective of compassion - as we are willing to live and let live.

Give the freedom that we also want for ourselves.

Facebook does not in my view merit feeding - nor any 'proprietary parlour' in the Web.

If there are ways to use the ruse to share the cheese without springing the trap - I doubt.

Excepting the refinement of our communication to the witness of the heart.

In this I mean the opposite of virtue signalling or masking in  all the targets and check boxes of care and concern, safety and protection - that are the Orwellian cover for a blind hate of life denied - that must hide in denial while seeking to usurp the role of a true movement of the heart - which is the life - and not the form it takes. 

A desperate but extraordinarily well funded controller is dictating the thought we must accept, show compliance in or excommunicate.

You may not know how to articulate what truth, love, life or freedom as the true will is, but you can recognise what it is not by the violation or denial of who and what you are. Self-betrayal is perhaps the deepest hell of self-hatred. But you are created One - not split.

There is a way of uncovering unconflicted being - but not while reactively engaged in 'resolving' our self externally.

So even in the midst of our involvement with each other - and the mess of conflicting attachments - is the call to be curious as to what lies beneath our driven identity so as to hold what resonates in our heart and release that which drowns out or masks over what we do not want to look on, own or accept.

It is all about love, but as lack of love set in grievance and mind set against reliving intolerable fear of pain of loss.

We become attached to the armour of our masking to a hollowing out within, yet know not what we do as the mindset of a blind or conditioned and programmed defence.

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