Tuesday 13 October 2020

Passing through the Eye of the Needle



 Jean Humphreys

Just goes to how that when WWII was over, we had not defeated evil. It lives forever in certain people who think they are entitled to rule.

• Well they don't just think it - but act in very disciplined and organised ways.

The concept of human lab rats or human data points is a result of systems capture.

Current results show significant support for being managed 'Stockholm syndrome' style.

Our 'fallen nature' is the leverage by which to induce us to self-destruct.

Honey-trap lures and threat of retribution in pain and loss.

Inflation under proprietary conditions and the choke back of the snare.

But your point is valid in that WW2 was used to generate a distorted narrative by which to lay deeper deceits. It never was about personalities or even political fronts, but systemic control as the intent of the 'controllers' who work all sides of apparent conflicts in multithreaded ways. 

'Forever' is a long time. But the projection of evil as the basis for the right to attack it (in symptom or effect) is the foundation for a process of identifying in action-reaction-reaction scripts that are in effect a machine mind. And the attempt to communicate with a machine mind is the willingness to be scanned, profiled and incorporated into its remit of locking down, dividing and masking over as narrative identity.

We see this in the application of 'shocks' that are applied for the testing and recalibration of the system as a response that locks down or denies any unauthorised movement.

Where do we accord and accept authority?

To what do we give power of priority in our mind, perception and response?

In reaction we shall never know, but only act as if we know.

Pausing the mind reaction in the desire to know is checking in with the the honesty of the heart. This is what the masking dictate operates to undermine, provoke to attack and deny.

Cognitive dissonance cannot and will not look within (question its own predicates).

Withdrawing support is of course 'looking within' rather than being reactively worked from without.

I used the phrase 'fallen nature' for a learned and acquired conditioned response, not as a pejorative blame dump.



Phil von Hauenschild

...This “new” type of vaccine and its mechanism is rarely if never mentioned ( just labelled another vaccine) and if not tested fully ( time restriction), very worrying. And trodden over by politicians ...

• What will we say 'yes' to, comply with and be sacrificed under, in order to save our own 'skin in the game?'.

Whether such biotech actually WORKS to its stated purpose OR to some hidden agenda, is beside the fact that its threatened or fear-leveraged use operates its own form of terrorism.

The absurdity of what is being massively funded and promoted is not 'mind boggling' or a 'cause of concern', but the requirement or demand to sacrifice our mind and the life that we are to an alien will - for there is nothing human in its operation. 

Risk of death is, as Malcolm once wrote, 100%. But our responsibility and freedom is for the living, not the dead. A deep insanity is being drawn to the surface that threatens our mind and our sense of existence. I don't see worry and concern as helping anything but to get sucked into a loss of human connection. So whatever else we do, let it be an expression of human connection. Beware of being 'hijacked' by fear-porn as an unwitting 'replication' and 'contagion' of a mindset under which sanity is willingly but unwittingly covered in exchange for a false lure that can seem overwhelmingly crushing or compulsive in its moment.

Passing through the eye of a needle. No excess baggage allowance. 

The wish to operate genetic control is the wish to own the source code and play god.

Everyone wants to play god as the wish to make the world fit their fantasy of what they want to be for them. But after toddlerhood, most of us accept a shared reality - but alloyed with strategies of power struggle by which to get what we want by seeming to offer what others want, masking in virtue and believing our own spin. Such 'cognitive dissonance' is set in the place of power and authority. But does not call my heart's recognition or allegiance. There are a lot of very sick people unaware of their true need, who think to now rule the world.

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