Saturday 19 September 2020

Open and unmasked use of fear as 'protection' against fear becomes unworkable

 The separation-device operates to mask the fear without undoing it, and so a bubble of control is maintained around a narrative that shifts and changes - but always to evade questioning or disclosing the core of control set over fear.

So the ego or masked sense of self, operates a self contradiction of fear seeking protection and a protection racket of fear and threat applied to everything and anything that keeps you listening to it - for such is the only life it has. It thus speaks to you as IF the only life you have. Its lack of substance underlies your lack of faith or trust in your existence - and so while there may be periods of success in keeping fear from conscious awareness, they are punctuated by reminders that 're-prime the pump' or reset the narrative, such as to defend against disclosure of what the mask is made to hide, and hide in. 

The internalisation of narrative beliefs, 'becomes us' - for the masking structure of whatever strategies are acted out, becomes invisible in social reinforcement as normal.

Any behaviours can thus be trained or conditioned to become normal. But that does not make them natural or aligned with who we are. The contradiction of social demands and conditioned compliance with who we are is itself a source of fear, for the 'world' we take as our 'reality' is a bubble that disintegrates or is transformed by awareness in truth - in which a wholeness of being reveals incongruity of thought, perception and response.

The willing alignment to a re-evaluation of self and world is a healing of the mind and of our relationships with ourselves and our world. But in a 'normal' that defends against true messengers in fear of change as pain of loss, the pressure of denials demands ever more resources and indeed sacrifice of the living, to maintain a face of 'control' that masks over trauma revisited. For the 'patterns' of our personal and social adaptations are sets of learned behaviours, much of which was in our formative experience - prior to the development of the mind of self-reflective reasoning or choice. 

The obvious and unmasked use of fear as 'protection' against fear becomes unworkable. It cannot hold allegiance or believability, and the nature of the device becomes more starkly revealed as coercive deceit in which we are more invested than we think. The emotion-backed coercive mind can terrorise, to set a lie over truth, but cannot make it true.

Truth requires nothing be added or taken away to be itself.

Separation from truth is a self-contradiction running in compelling emulation 'as if' its exposure is our damnation or utter undoing. But passing through fears demonstrates such fear is unfounded, while reinforcing investment in protecting them from awareness buys delay at cost of true fulfilment now.

As a collective 'breakdown' we are experiencing something like the fall of the tower of Babel.

The mind and world fragment into polarised compartments of broken communication.

If a Temple should fall, its lack of foundation is revealed. That we can engage somewhat gracefully in a process of change contrasts with, kicking and screaming all the way. But how we arrive at acceptance is not a determining of truth so much as willingness to re-evaluate our priorities in the fact of lack of support for our old thinking, perception and response - which runs 'subconsciously' as if to escape the leading edge of freedom to be the expression of a true fulfilment. For we have all experienced pain of a world that betrays us and sought never to allow such again into a heart - withdrawn and withholding from life as 'protection' from fear at our core.

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