Wednesday 2 September 2020

Coming to our Senses 

Because someone doesn't support the 'fight' against the problem as you perceive it does not mean they are apathetic.

Persisting a futility as the only way to maintain a sense of self and world must result in a futile result no matter how much hope is given it - or how many generations are spent on it.

The rich in the world's terms have invested identity in a lot to lose and so are tightly defended against change - excepting as their own ratcheting of controlling that change (no change there then).

The poor in the world's terms have so little that any change holds threat of losing everything - and so there is a joining in the 'establishment' or status quo, as the lesser evil - or the 'devil we know'.

Fear of the unknown is not fear of what we have never met, thought or discovered, but as mask over fear of revisiting separation trauma that remains active in our energy field but denied consciousness - because it is the 'overwhelm' by which a mind is split off as a dissociative survivor in a masking strategy or persona predicated on and coloured by the particulars of its nature and nurture.

Coming to our 'senses' is a term for releasing a dissociated mind-frame to a present appreciation as a wholeness of being in relationship.

Our technological mind is an extension of the ability to model or imagine and test out or even be-live and explore 'reality potentials' as the alignment of model and experience - regardless of any underlying reality empiric coherence.

The experience of 'mind-control' is of being subjected and limited and controlled - but it is also the framework of control - or the operating system within which the idea of control can be lived out.

Fear and control are two sides of a split mind that interplay as the  'world' as successive and interactive compartmentalised polarities.

They set the basis for unfolding drama or conflict in place of unfolding fulfilment as a wholeness of being. 

The grasping at life as a private sense of possession and control expresses a sense of self-lack acted from - or believed. This is 'susceptibility'. The result of such invested identification is fear of loss, and this grows as defences that DO or reiterate and reinforce the original error. Conflict of pain of loss 'proves' or reinforces the fear while locking into guilt.

The Living World (Everything) is then seen (sic) through self-reinforcing grievance. It would take a miracle to waken such a victim from their mind-control.

You are a miracle. But even the senses have fitted to a sense of assigning life and meaning 'outside' a you of identity set in 'control' masked to 'face out' so as to look away from what we have made of ourselves. Yet the use of the mind in exploring and experiencing the unfolding themes of our lives does not change the underlying truth on which even insane denials depend - or there would be nothing to deny and no 'where' to dissociate from.

None of this is about gaining power to change the world, so much as releasing the power we are habituated to give a 'world' that is fitted to the reflection and reinforcement of thought we are not aware of running behind or beneath appearances that are of course real to us as our experience. But have the effect of locking down, separating or dividing to conflicted and polarised identities that seek lock-step alliance to exercise dominance of narrative control as if what topples the problem MUST be the answer. A true answer rises in response to a true question. 

Learning to notice what we are already asking and receiving, is the willingness to watch our thought, feelings and sensings.

Garbage in; garbage out is a VALID result. That is if the feedback is given due attention it can be used to identify the bug or error or complex of workarounds that result in unforeseen consequence.

While there is room for workaround, a radical re-evaluation is avoided by adding yet more complexity of code - so as to persist in the core program unchanged. But when the mind runs out of room to evade fundamental and critical error, the whole thing collapses upon itself.

If the resources are all pooled or demanded for a 'war against chaos' then they are sacrificed to core collective illusions that cannot be maintained. The conflicts in our thinking underlie the results of our reactions and counter reactions. Thinking is not about a world, but that it already posits the world.

If there is a true desire for life as embracing and unfolding the truth of who and what we are - then it is the primary field of attraction and alignment. Because a priesthood of 'experts' act as if they have life nailed down, and agencies that post 'truth' as the official reality, does not require thinking in the same system of values or goals. Nor do we have to destroy old thinking in order to invite and accept renewal. But we cannot serve two masters at the same moment (now), and shifting back and forth becomes a mind of confusion under which love and fear are reversed to generate battles of beliefs about love with beliefs about  fear.

Having used love to mask in or manipulate by, we have forgotten what it is. As we drown in a mask of entangled deceits, we might well ask, and listen for answer.

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