Thursday 13 August 2020

There is no other choice than the individual 

There is no other choice than the individual. This includes the choice to lockdown in split off from the 'tyrant'.

What we split from and deny we make real and negatively charged ad that which we define ourselves in opposition to.

It is not recognised as 'choice' until 'the 'tyrant' is re-cognised within.

Within what? Not within a mind in a body in a world that is 'tyrant' or death dealing by definition. But within this very moment.

You give the world all the meaning it has for you.

through an 'anonymizer' of cover stories.

The world is used to hide in, while truth is hidden by fear of death.

Now you are in character as the one who could warn of disaster but no one can hear you. Or wants to. the mind of a substitution for truth and life seeks to usurp EVERY function of the divine order.

The thing about 'them' - whether 'They' who have done the evil agenda or 'they' who are blind to what is being done to them or through them and in their name - is that it is a generalisation for 'NOT US' - or not me and my group identity.

The egos operates to divert our attention from recognising and accepting truth, by instead rushing to tell others - as if to be the truth teller - when truth is already a quality of communication of freedom, that is therefore freely accepted and not forced - and so illusions are not destroyed so much as temporary.

Choice is not at the level of the problem. Only illusions of choose-between that make no difference. Choice is at the level where there is no conflict - from which there is a freedom not to choose it. resting the mind of conflicting with reality in its attempts to manage it, is yielding to what is. To the sense of self-control this is recoiled from as loss of self, loss of face (mask), and fear of pain and loss without end or defences. And so limitation and death are saviours of separating from truth unrecognised and demonised by invested fear.

Being myself - no more nor less is not in order to signal virtue or justify existence. It is not arguing with God.

If we identify overmuch in the body and the world we lose awareness of That Which Identifies Us and All Things Perfectly.

Thinking seeks to escape the problem set up by false thinking.

To rest thinking is to let the true desire of the heart stir within you.

My understanding is that this is for many, too terrifying to allow and so stepping stones have to be found to release the fears and blocks to a love that is associated with pain , betrayal and terror of loss.

The world of separation was made to hide (mask) in. But can be accepted in a new light. If you WANT the hate to be out there - in the tyrant, the toxin, the virus, the hated enemy - then that choice is active as the lockdown of awareness to a narrative control.

Our world is talking to us but we are trained to misinterpret all communication into the purpose of the mind that made it.

The capacity to perceive innocently is to see what is - instead of what the mind had made or masked of it.

Guilt expects and demands punishment. A split mind is a judged mind. One part seeming to live upon the death or denial of the other.

The word Individual once meant something indivisible. The Indivisibility was not destroyed by the degrading of the mind in its sense of private autonomy set in lack and struggle seeking to assert 'individuality' or achieve it - instead of yielding such a mind to what is already given in our creation. Now and now.

While you be-live you are in the world, you will suffer it as outside and apart from you. the sword of judgement cuts both ways.

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