Thursday, 13 August 2020

Self-cancelling as the right to make grievance

 Lack and self-conflicted fear activate self-protective recoil from relationship, communication and recognition of shared worth.

This is a state of disintegrity in search of narrative protection.

The masking over of self-conflict is also the masking of its self-protective agenda under narrative identity that operates as mind-capyure of mind control, as distinct from integrated heart and mind.

Thus such a use of the mind effects a mask of concern or protection to elicit sympathies and deter antipathies of challenge that would exposes a lack of substance and the underlying conflict of self-lack seeking power and protection in regaining or reinforcing 'control' or 'face'  at expense of anyone and anything else. And in lockstep with others who join in reinforcement of the means to distance, separate, judge, distort, limit and deny communication feared as contagion, or truth feared as destructive - or too dangerous to truth others to know. Which is part of anything deemed too fearful or disturbing to face in themselves or indeed ourselves.

While this is a form of psycho-pathy or cognitive dissonance, the use of scientific or psychological terms as diagnostic terms easily becomes its own pejorative justification for a like reaction of assumed moral superiority.

I reflect here that I have become aware of innumerable toxic and conflicted situations in human society that are for the most part masked over and disregarded - not least as a result of diversion to what I see as cover stories. These operate in the mind of many as fear and guilt-driven narratives of manipulative intent masked in moral authority that weaponises or leverages fear in order to persist in loveless, deceitful and toxic activities that generate false profits and establish false premises as the basis of communication and exchange. So much so as to constitute a death grip, that will not release an illusion of the face of control for a real and present relationship.

As I see it, I have responsibility for my own choices - regardless the guilting or threatening assertions of others that arise from their current choices - which are not recognised as choice but run a tyrannical dictate under fear's necessity - for lack of light in which to see and love in which to feel and know.

So to maintain my own integrity of a heart and mind as one - and as a presence of willingness FOR communication rather than a locked down mask of armoured intent, it is my responsibility to NOT react in the same pattern that I have sketched out as self-lack, self-conflict, fear and guilt seeking cover, as narrative assertions posing as and imposed on truth.

In this wise, I have to look at my own part, and accept a self-educative and reintegrative process of communication within my self or my life that automatically extends or shares to others - but for the most part unselfconsciously - as witness to who I am within what is.

Others have to be free to make their own choices, and I am free to reflect those choices as the freedom of a choice that can be changed, but I am not free to make them listen of force them to accept anything they are unready and unwilling to know.

Release and be released is as fundamental a truth as can be, but this is only available as a choice where we recognise our own grip on life as a face or mask of control, grievance, and damnation of self and other. That we direct this away from some sense of self onto the 'othered' is witness to love's protection, but split into denial and attack as the premise from which we then meet, adapt and respond to our world.

A 'special love' of mutually reinforced 'virtue' set against selected 'evils' or hates held in common masks over the hate and fear below as a way of making such a life tolerable or bearable.

The Disclosure of the Mask is the disclosure of an alien will - taken as our own - with all the power given to a guilted and gated fear. Psychotic reactions are part of the 'territory' of  revisiting and releasing deep fears that can be regarded as 'Separation trauma'.

Living through what we feel and fear without choosing to reinvest and reinforce or restate denial, IS its process of release. The willingness to stay open in faith of life beyond the appearances and experience of an insanity or self-contradictory self and world, is a transformative education and rehabilitation from a dissociative defence, to a participance in felt presence that witnesses glimpses of a Sanity or Wholeness that the mind of control cannot conceive of or see, but which we can recognise and accept and freely align in.

Faith given to fear and guilting manipulations 'knows not what it does'. The appeal of Unconsciousness or 'death in life' as a source of a special sense of self, is a deeply set habit or subconsciously acquired 'choice', running blind as a self-reinforcing loop.

But our freedom and capacity to block awareness of truth is our freedom to choose to accept it, as distinct from a determined mechanism. Imagination is creative, but a conflicted and lawless imagination locks down in its own death-mask under its own convictions.

If minding could not change, it would not Be a mind so much as a mechanism.

Can we become trapped or locked into our own thinking - running as unquestionable facts or conditions? Invested identity requires that full communication be put on hold in order to unfold the experience being asked for - to which we have given meaning and are reaping the measure of.

So that meanings can be flagged to reality that are evasions or reversals of true relation, is a witness to our human function of giving or extending meaning - but applied from false premises.The attempt to protect false or conflicted 'meanings' with further layers of protection only reinforces the mindset of a deep state under cover.

Whatever we accept as our self, becomes the basis of the world we perceive and respond to. The idea that collective or lockstepped mind is powerful is of a recognition that sharing is power. But keeping separate so as to join in common purpose set AGAINST fears and hates - gives all power TO them - while joining in a masquerade of a crusade against them.

A truly Common Purpose is uncovered in free relational association that reveals a true commonality of human being as shared worth, instead of a dissociative human doing of the attempt to possess and control it. We get in our own way.

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