Sunday, 14 June 2020

Coming from a new place is coming from a true presence

Anna M
I heard the expression that if something is too stupid to be stupid, then it is something else. It’s not that they didn’t consider that quarantining the world would be devastating economically. It’s that this was another benefit that they wanted.
Something very sinister is afoot.

War is not regarded as war when waged on the ignorant and unworthy, but as a reset and restructure of controls brought into every arena of life by which to keep them ignorant and ensure unworthiness cannot interfere with an elite or exceptional claim to power.
What then are the values of such an elitism for which all else is sacrificed to obtain?
There are none that are not set in hate and fear as temporary escape from negative outcomes by suppression of symptoms (true messengers or feedback) over which to enact fantasies of self-illusion fed by self-denial and the likewise denial of others.

There is nothing really hidden in these  props and agendas excepting Orwellian masking.
In terms of the system as a whole, it represents an extreme contraction and self limiting denial as the generator of condition by which to consolidate a sense of control over an increasingly unsustainable complex of lies.

Orwell saw no way out, or had chosen to offer only the problem without a redeeming context.
The systemic nature of fearism is of projecting itself into anything that offers a masking escape.
And giving meaning to the judgements or diagnosis - so as to divert focus to an arena set away from where the fear arises, belongs and can ultimately be faced and resolved.

The use of the mind to mask in a lie as a self protection is the establishing of a false sense of self - and world from which to live. While we can accommodate conflicts by setting them in time and space, we expand the many elements as a lifetime, a civilisation, and era. But the development of dissonance depletion and debt  initiates a compression that is running out of time and space such that conflicts can no longer be masked away, and there is nowhere else to retreat to in self-evasions posing as discovery and success. In a healthy lifecycle, this is where the experience of the cycle of expansion is refined to its seed essence as the qualities of life lived. Such that the unique patterns of who we have been are gift to a future out-breath of expansion.

The prioritising of qualitative meaning for the realignment or release of quantitative structures is the gift of a compression as a restoring and reintegration to truth as shared and felt qualities of being - given workable and practical expression. But mind invested and defended in hollow structures of asserted and defended 'meanings' that are masked in rather than than lived, cannot see or recognise what its investment denies - and only sees threat in the messengers of a truth that embraces and provides stability as a balancing point within a dynamic system, instead of self-denial and sacrifice to a blind system set as defence that became fear of life, hatred of fear, and attack of hate in the 'other' - or attack of the 'other'.

We have 'othered our life' in the attempt to posses and control it. but only the persistence in act effects the self-isolating incapacity to see, hear and feel the qualities of life in the ordinary moment.  While it is possible to kick and scream all the way home. Many find this exhausting and self-harming, and are brought to re-evaluate the mind and their lives so as to release what no longer matters and see with new willingness and simple presence. It can be that simply aligning in a truly felt appreciation of life, opens healing as a new chapter of a life that had seemed closed.
If we can mask in a lie to save ourself as kids and as strategies by which to cope as adults - we have a basis for compassion for others in misidentifications seeking reinforcement - instead of the polarising reaction of the masking persona of entanglement in life as struggle to become or regain who we are. From which perspectives can arise as insights and choices that were previously masked out by reaction.

Coming from a new place is coming from a true presence. If I have invested in a masking presentation, no amount of ingenuity can repackage its debts and denials into a genuine opening to relationship from which communication rises as a mutuality of exploring trust that must be founded in a balancing of receptive and expressive communication, or be set and assigned in a structure or system of fixed values that life cannot and does not limit itself to. And so sets up the potential for betrayals or denials and debts to replace meanings accepted as foundational.

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