Sunday, 7 June 2020

A Deep State of Dissociation

in response to the themes in:

The human mind - turns inside out and then turns outside in - to a bubble reality in a deep state of dissociation.
Dissociative mind can be Narcissus in the reflection of his own 'thinking' - currently being tranhumanised to a flower or patterning of algorithmic behavioural codes.
It can be a trapped denied and murderous rage.
A tranquillised protective cage.
Flipping in and out billions of times per second.
As electromagnetic expressions of polarising charge within its own fulcrum.

But regardless the forms of its own dream of escape into captivity, it operates as dissociation from Relation.

The 'Field of Relations' is not a mathematical mind-trap of relative chicanery - but the simple Fact through which all perspective is created as subfields of qualities or domains of reference and exchange.

(An old bumpersticker metaphor is prompting me):
"Designed by computer. Built by robots. Driven by idiots."

The mind seeking to mimic life, becomes locked into its own mask as the belief it has actually replaced it.
Manual override.

Once you have covered fear with a lie with a story by which you are 'saved' or set apart and above the consequence, how shall it proceed but in like kind?
How can it end but in its beginning?

It is said we are born alone and die alone.
But are we born to a masking lockdown in self-isolation under mortal sense that cannot but, in its time and timing fall away?

Our masking persona is not however of itself a pathogen - so much as a strategy seeking to evade, escape or overcome conflicts. As a mindset of self-protection born of threat - cast into conditionings.

Fear can activate our deep status of self-protective override in an instant. And when the cause is no longer triggering its response, we are are 'restored to normal' perhaps without recognition for who and what we had just acted out - because the frame of mind is its own past and future.

Normal is then the release of red alert to some relaxation of controls such as to let a little officially censored life into the controlled framework. Fear remains active and alert as the guide and protector for survival as a mind set over communication - as the inhibition of threat to a control that - once invested in - cannot be of itself released.

We suffer our own defences for what they embody of their pain of birth.

. . .

The answer to an impossible situation is in its definition.
Any attempt to escape an impossible situation can only extend or reiterate its premise.

The Relational Field of our being cannot be defined or objectified, possessed or controlled and therefore is as invisible as 'Space' - and as discarded as Awareness - by the fixation of focus in objects of possession and the controls arising from fear of pain of loss.

Fear flattens down to a linear binary of time set in override of a true depth and richness of reflection and interaction that truly moves us. For the transparency of our masked mind to the true of the heart is its alignment to being ourselves, rather than confinement to doings by which to mask in armoured lies set over unconscionable errors compounded in fear.

But Relational Being is a timelessness clothed in time and space.
And even a moment of a touch of such embracing perspective, guides from within a Ground whose nature is to unfold a giving and receiving - to each in kind.

Presentations and re-presentations can terrify and break the mind fixated there.
And the attempt to make its world by lies has invested there.
But a terrible choice can remain unchosen.
And even this is embraced within the Field of Relation as the freedom to deny truth, fear it, and attack its messengers. Or it could not be lived at all.

Nor would we know the truth as freedom of acceptance.
I have a sense of action and reaction as a net of entanglement by which a paralysis is arrived at in stagnancy resulting from polarised but canceling forces.
Life is a movement, an unfolding, a flow of relational be-ing, and the potential from which all true movement arises is at the fulcrum and not from the competition to leverage it.

Can Narcissus re-cognize Echo as true relation?
God moves upon the face of the waters.
The reflection is shattered.
And yet the demand to see a fixed image is not denied a stroboscopic attunement of mind.

There is a tuning dial to a radio - but while Orson Wells was reporting the 'Martian Invasion' the many were locked into story. The lie targets the fears we mask over and so it educates us as to our masking habit-conditioning. But only as we release the investment in story in a willingness for true relation.

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